Seth was killed in 2016
>a lot of the talent that gets educated in Boston
they get edumuhcated but they do not gain wisdom
>EyeTheSpy was the FIRST to tweet about it around 6pm, ~ 3 hrs BEFORE anyone else. @ETheFriend
>he also said the pardon was imminent in late may and again in late june.
Roger Stone is ETS
2nd Amendment basically gone.
you can talk about your right to bear arms, even go to a rally and bear your arms but do not protect yourself with your arms beared
we will find out that draft kings is another money laundering venture of the elite owners of sport franchises.
he is placed in charge of a cabal fronted venture just like zuckerburg, gates, bezos, cuban, and the rest.
this is who hussein was talking to when he said
"you, you didn't build that".
grammar kitty is flummoxed
>I found Q on the third day… you just got here a few months ago.
about 3 months into Q I posted that in the future people will brag about how early they were onto Q before others.
On this night you have fulfilled prophecy.