>The current dough is 297 with breaks and extra lines.
So, the one downside could be when an Oprah Baker (everybody gets a notable) hands out too many then it'll be >300.
>The current dough is 297 with breaks and extra lines.
So, the one downside could be when an Oprah Baker (everybody gets a notable) hands out too many then it'll be >300.
digits say this isn't the last we'll be hearing of this
>but SETH RICH was MURDERED on JULY 10, 2018
kek that's some expanded thinking right there
kek Seth Rich death is a 2-year marker huh?
Pig has actually been here for a while long than that.
First showed up as a counter to Toots.
Pig actually claimed to have BTFO'd Toots which is Pig's biggest (and only that I can recall) tall tale.
Many cringe moments had seeing Pig trying to counter the linguistic powers of Ferddy.
Many an oldfag back then were head