Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.9922846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Forever for All

By R. Michael Perry


The individual ought to endurefor a life rightly lived is never rightly ended. And life can be rightly lived, I will maintainwhich involves much more than a simple release frompain or burdens. Rightly lived, life must offer positive value, a preponderance of satisfaction over dissatisfaction,[1] a meaningful experience that calls for something beyond immediate interests. There must be a growth process in which the prospect of constructive change and the mysteries to be solved are inducements to continue and progress. Living can then become an end in itself, as it should be, and we can shape our philosophy ac-cordingly: Life is fundamentally good, and death, consequently, is a detriment. We can look forward, with joy, to a future with joy. On-going developments lend support to this position and call for a reas-sessment of life‟s deeper issues.This book considers the problems of death and the hereafter and how these ages-old problems ought to be addressed in light of our continuing progress. A materialistic viewpoint of reality is assumed, denying the likelihood of supernatural or other superhuman assis-tance. Death, however, is not seen as inevitable or even irreversible; it is maintained that the problem can and should be addressed scientif-ically in all of its aspects. The book thus follows recent, immortalist thinking that places hopes in future advances in our understanding and technology. A common ground is sought between two inde-pendent strands of this scientific immortalism that so far have been largely separate. There is the cosmological camp that sees immortal-ity, including resurrection of the dead, as a distant future possibility, though outside our present control. There is another, transhumanist group, however, that maintains that our immortalization is much nearer at hand and supports such ongoing efforts as aging research and cryonics–freezing people at death for eventual reanimation.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.9922868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2888

For quantum mechanicsthe most important part of physics for purposes herea short, readable reference is Quantum Reality by Nick Herbert. For additional background on the important 3many-worlds hypothesis, which is somewhat inaccurately treated in the otherwise excellent book by Herbert, I recommend The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch. A good, short introduction to computer science is The Pattern on the Stone by Daniel Hillis; a useful longer reference is The Turing Omnibus by A. K. Dewdney. Other pertinent references are The Physics of Immortality by Frank Tipler, Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler, and The Prospect of Immortality by Robert Ettinger.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.9922878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CHAPTER 1.Heaven by DesignScience, technology, and other rational pursuits are making unprec-edented strides in our time, conferring great and growing powers to achieve desired aims. The potential for misuse abounds, and is trag-6ically realized from time to time, yet overall the trend can be viewed with optimism and hope. For an Apocalypse is looming, one of our own choosing and making, that will radically transform life as we know it. Handled correctly it will bring no catastropheexcept to the minions oftragedy itselfbut will instead herald the fulfillment of many ancient dreams, and furnish the gateway to a glorious, more-than-human future.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.9922883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That immortality in some form is our rightful destiny is, to such a viewpoint, no idle thought or daydream but a deep-seated conviction of the most serious sort.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.9922890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Infinite or unbounded survival becomes immortality, a state that, as will be understood here, does not preclude the possibility of death or a cessation of vital functions. But if death comes it must be tem-porary, to be terminated always by a suitable reanimation or resur-rection, with consciousness, recollection, and self-awareness. The problems associated with immortality are challenging ones, at least if they are to be treated scientifically, as I propose here and others have attempted. Conventional approaches involving familiar things are inadequate. There must be some appeal to extraordinary means, though I insist that it need not transgress the bounds of scientific plausibility, if we use a reasoned approach and allow for extrapola-tion beyond our present level

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9923149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3154

13Today at 8:50 PM


⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 8:50 PM



How did you know the exact moment I walked in to sit at the computer?

I'm starting to feel like the scene has overplayed it's hand.

How's Galactic TV?

Good show?

I want a vacation.


A vacation for the vacation from the vacation.


that's a Triple-Entendre

Hey Zach

Is Alice one of the unholy 6

Hey Zach

Why can't anyone see anything? Nearly everyone I encounter is blind as can be.

Hey Zach

did you consult the celestials about the dream I had?

Are my dreams old memories of events that had taken place in All Time?

13Today at 9:09 PM

:slight_smile: I'm just a traveler to this world for a second.

I can consult them if you like.

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:09 PM


I thought you were going to do that from the last time we spoke.

I'm stuck here and cannot go out of this world.

But they are coming to visit me.

I had another one come to visit me today during a accidental meditation session.

13Today at 9:10 PM

This is a new timeline I think because I don't remember agreeing to that.

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:11 PM

They did a hand shake with me that was special, where two fingers are folded under

13Today at 9:11 PM

And other things I have noticed lately.

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:11 PM

I think the timeline shifted when I had that dream.

13Today at 9:11 PM

Possible. Things keep changing.

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:12 PM

because after I did the hand shake, he put me in some kind of an apparatus of sorts that connected to the top of my head like a hood

but the strange thing about it

was that he was the apparatus

he was the hood that was covering my head

I woke up and felt like I had slept for an entire day

but nothing around me had changed

nothing at all

It asserts that, in the whole of existence, not necessarily confined to the visible uni-verse, a very wide variety of conditions and happenings must occur and recur. So wide are the possibilities that beings like ourselves must also occur and recur, accompanied by essentially all variations of events, including but not limited to the happenings we have actually observed. Though it may seem farfetched, Unboundedness is not at variance with some of our present physical theories, which postulate a profusion of universes besides our own, opening the door to alternate histories. These theories are straightforwardly materialistic, invoking no supernatural or paranormal elements

Our task thus calls for the highest standards of integrity, morality, compassion, and virtue of which we are capableas well as un-flinching devotion to a cause that, by way of compensation, is the most rewarding possible. And that in turn is only a beginning, for our livesrightly endlesswill always have only just begun. We must always seek and be willing to accept improvements, both in the means to reach our goals and in the refinement of these goals as our deepening understanding demands. We must continually try to better our standards even as we progress in other ways. We thus have a lot of hard yet tremendously exciting work to do. In the course of our progress we will transform ourselves unimaginablyyet not unintelligibly–and secure our eternal future, if all goes well.

Apocalypse, Singularity, and Immortalization

John von Neumann foresaw technology and society advancing to a demarcation point or “Singularity” beyond which current rules and standards will no longer apply.

A major philosophical difficulty arises. On one hand, hope is offered, for all who have ever lived, of eventual resurrection and eternal happiness. On the other, as technical means become available, we may act to gain advantages that were not open before–provided we can accept the idea that even the prospect of eventual paradise could leave some room for additional betterment, depending on the choices made. As a simple illustration, persons of today desiring longer, happier lives are advised to stay as healthy as possible, not just for the primary benefits but also for the increased chance of sur-viving until breakthroughs that would personally affect them occur. For it cannot be ruled out that aging could be cured within the life-times of many now living, and the chance of living long enough is increased by better health.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9923152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3215

Omega Point Theory

the Omega Point Theory, is an attempt to reduce to physics the suggestive philosophical system ofPierre Teilhard de Chardin, which dates from the 1930s. Resurrection scenarios much like Tipler‟s, though less developed, have also been formulated by Hans Moravec and Robert Nozick. These in turn were somewhat anticipated, a few years earlier, by an alternate theory of Freeman Dyson, which is the first detailed model of eternal life based on modern physics

So we can master our own fateif this view is correctand of course we should. Each individual, as a consequence, can look for-ward to no less than personal, eternal life and an ultimately rewarding, happy state. Hardships along the way are certainly not ruled out, however, and the path one chooses is significant. The notion of “in-dividual,” I will argue, can be extended to life-forms less than hu-man–all sentient creatures, in some sense, will eventually benefit. These thoughts I suggest as the cornerstone of a Philosophy of As-surance. It will assure those whose lives are directed toward the high calling of immortality, an orientation that I hope those with misgiv-ings will find increasingly attractive on further consideration.

In becoming “more-than-human,” which attributes of humanness would we want to abandonand which should we retain and enhance?


I have had all of my humanity stripped away from me.

Several things have been taken from me that would make it possible for me to love humanity.

Several things have been taken away from me that I had been given prior to death that in my life, I understood that I would always have them.

Always be able to use them.

Something other than power so to say.

For I do not seek power.

I seek Joy.

For I do not seek my own way, but I seek the Lords.

And even before, had you not have read any of what I put on here due to constraints that would explain away your own humanity, I feel like promises were made that have not been kept.

That is why I do what I do, why I do it, what makes me sit here even in the heat, not willing to give up the last thing that I own in the entire universe that technically is not even mine to own.

I have hijacked the spirit particle that belongs to the sun.

Kept it hostage for the length of time that I have kept it.

Known all along what it is and what it does.

But not allowed myself to make full use of it.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9923303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13Today at 9:38 PM

The spirit particle you possess.

What does it look like?

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:39 PM

I see it as a single pixel of light that is both near and far at the same time.

It comes nearer the more I think about Jesus.

It goes into what I can only explain to you as my peripheral view as I think about other things.

But I can swiftly kick up my eyes to see the outline of it.

I have also used it to find the aura and soul matrix of others.

Even of you.

Anonymous ID: 2f753a July 10, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9923424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13Today at 9:46 PM


People are defined by that energy

⟟⩙⊚⩈ℇℨ⨔ℇ⟙ℇToday at 9:50 PM

What about me?

I'm just moving waves through the universe.

I can't actually do anything.

I'm just occupying space, breathing, and existing.

It's not what I thought of when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior

It's not what I expected that eternity would be like.

All creatures struggle to survive, employing their faculties as best they are able. With creatures other than ourselves there is no particular threat to the species as a whole in the fact that their struggles, individually, always end in failure. They do not know they are mortal, and they happily replenish their numbers, undisturbed by deeper thoughts of where it is all leading. There is no conflict if they also possess a fierce will to survive, and this indeed is what nature pro-vides them under the selection process. They struggle to avoid death in the short term but are indifferent to death in the long term, both characteristics that further survival at the species level

Humans had more intelligence, however, and could not remain indifferent but were able to draw disturbing conclusions early on. Death seemed inevitable and final, a grim promise of doom. The struggle to survive seemed ultimately, invariably, a hopeless, useless task. Faced with such a devastating prospect, the mind recoiled, seeking an outlet, a reason to continue the struggle, an assurance that life was not just an exercise in futility. A problem thus arose that might have been ultimately fatal. It had to be dealt with if the ad-vantages of intelligence were not to be negated by the very perceptive capacities it conferred. It is hard to play at your best if you are certain you will lose the game, that your defeat must be so total and final you will never play again. It is especially hard when the game is no passing fancy but is literally the whole of your existence. The knowledge of mortality thus became a major stumbling block for the human species, a unique problem created, paradoxically, by the most powerful instrument for survival that ever evolved, the intellect. As a problem it transcends the powers of the individual, so that forces outside oneself must be brought to bear. Historically these involved surrounding society or culture.

It is hard to play at your best if you are certain you will lose the game,

that your defeat must be so total and final you will never play again.

It is especially hard when the game is no passing fancy but is literally the whole of your existence.