They have their own warehouses.
>Serious question: Does Wayfair have their own warehouse for storage and shipping? Has this been considered? If so, we need to find out.
>["Bullshit Alert" meme]
I gave you a link to the Twitter account of one of the people who were online talking about Wayfair last night, and who had previously worked in one of Wayfair's warehouses.
He happens to be a leftist, like many of the people who were awakened by that event. MSM pedo shills are now attacking leftists with "ACAB" in their Twitter names as right-wing Russian bots. The arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell led to the exposure of Wayfair, and that, along with the enemy's response to it, is waking up even the leftist normies.
("First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.")
Are you a shill or a moron?
>Nothing in those posts lead to an address where a warehouse is..What state..(we know where Amazon's are..)
He lives in Michoacรกn, shill.
>People posting on twitter with opinions are Very Far from Fact.
Shill Tactic: Dismiss reports of personal experience by not one, but multiple persons, as "opinions". Is your day job serving as a defense lawyer for pedophiles?
Your client scrubbed the address off the Internet, shill. All I have are links to the eyewitness testimony.
>Same product, different names. Many of the names of 'black' names. Many of the missing children are black and brown children.
Yep. Perfect to wake up the BLM/ACAB crowd.
>Yes, mentally well people do have manic episodes.
Pray. The enemy can cause those.
>Before I found Q, I had a manic episode and became obsessed with numbers, particularly 237. WTF am I seeing here?
The enemy is obsessed with symbolism, and God uses it too. Where symbolism or coincidences appear without a plausible human explanation, they are God's doing.
>Is there child trafficking occurring in College/Pro sports + Olympic/Amateur sports?
Other than Dr. Nassar? Where one predator succeeds in getting to a place where children congregate, there is a whole support network in place to help predators operate.
>Away games + trafficked children?
The Super Bowl was long known as being associated with human trafficking. Probably kids too.
>God wins means there will be no intervention. It's down to us The People.
Not quite. We, the People, will only have to pin you down and hold you for the Marines.
The shill is right that searching for "SRC USA" is what finds those images of other random children. The incriminating part on Wayfair was that each of the overpriced products was labeled with the name of a specific missing child.
Stick to Twitter. The shills have this board now. is collecting good evidence.
>begging for the rocks to fall on them of course.
And the rock cried out, No Hiding Place!
No Hiding Place down here.
You have no idea how fucked you are, traitor.