Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.9925202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5212 >>5224 >>5242 >>5517


Again… Here newfag




Muh Joo/Jew Shills

Are shills that spam Anti Semitic anti Jewish propaganda which usually tries to blame every evil in the world upon the Jewish people, the state of Israel and/or Zionism.

Muh Joo Shills are closely related to Muh Mason Shills.


There are several types of Muh Joo Shills

1: The Finklestein Muh Joo shill bot:

This one spews audacious and completely unbelievable theories about the Jewish people so much so that many of us believe it is a beneficial Shill and/or shill bot as any logical person will be able to tell that it is trying to deceive them and that the information is probably disinformation.


2: Neo Nazi hate groups:

These shills have much better material and are here to convince you that literally everything bad that has ever happened must in some way be the workings of "the Jew". Of note is irony of the fact that Neo Nazi Shills usually claim to Love Jesus.

The Neo Nazi does have some valid proofs of Zionist/Israeli/Mos crimes yet knowing what most anons know now, what government in this world is innocent?


3: Islam:

Certain radical elements of Islam thoroughly despise the state of Israel' and the Jewish people. Probably a rare Shill type which is easily triggered by any mention of Muhammad and/or the Koran.

More than likely ignorant of Judeo Christianity so uses material from other anti Semitic groups and probably cannot meme worth a damn.


4: Catholics:

Catholics seem to hate the Jewish people by default as "the Jews" are the people whom their Dogma teaches "Killed Jesus", their Savior/Messiah.

Similarly Catholics seem to hate Masons and they Rally against secret societies and other intrigue yet they themselves have a host of Papal Royal Families, Orders of Knights etc etc whose members are for the most part exclusively the rich and powerful of the worlds elite.


The Catholic Muh Joo Shill has generally attained a higher level of education and should be well versed in the Dogma of the Judeo Christian religion which they use against their enemies on a higher level than any other shill sub class.

Anons who are not experienced in fighting muh joo shills should avoid encounters with the Catholic Muh Joo Shill.


It is very common for all Muh Joo Shills to work in Teams where one puts Israel down (Strong opinion) while one feigns attempts to defend Israel (Weak opinion). A staged debate where the Strong opinion is always the winner. MSMedia uses this tactic all the time.


I do not fight with Muh Joo Shills much anymoar yet when I do, I usually assume that I am fighting with the most devious and dangerous Shill of all and that would be the Catholic Muh Joo Shill.


I am '" He Who Once Fought with Shills a lot '''!!!

Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.9925254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5315


Sure they will animeshill!

And while we are waiting for that to happen maybe read drop #1950.


Q DROP #1950

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 4:12:23 PM



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….




Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:28 a.m. No.9925329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5342 >>5360


How long do you have "in"?

A lot of anons seem to start their "time" when they first arrived here yet some of us have been doing this shit for decades so feel free to count that time as well. kek


You get out there for a few years, hopefully read some books, watch 1000's of hours of video and if you are smart you will come to realize that just about every piece of shit that ever tried to "help" you was in fact attempting to show you everything but what they were Gatekeeping/Hiding.


My Gatekeepers were hiding Israel and the Vatican more than anything else and so I headed in those directions, was lost in Zionism for a few years yet over time, decades in fact I come to realize that there was indeed something higher pulling the strings here and if it is not the Vatican, I do not know what it is.

Rich Papal and other royal families including Rich Jewish families but of course!?

Aliens? kek!


So good luck to you, Anon.

Use Discernment!

Think for yourself!

Be true to yourself!

Follow your Heart!

5:5 o7


Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:31 a.m. No.9925344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah just like we always thought that the Jews controlled Hollywood and Ghislaine worked for Epstein!

So you do not really want to talk about that Q drop?

How about drop #1002?


Q DROP #1002

The BITE that has no CURE

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 9:18:12 PM



3 Apr 2018 - 9:15:43 PM





Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:37 a.m. No.9925378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5381 >>5405 >>5676


herp derp!




"Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans, since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the European Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations, and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6] However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions, culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.


Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility. Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain, who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8] Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9] By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts. Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs, but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.


At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.


The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges. They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal[disambiguation needed], and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge. They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed. Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians. Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors."


I bet that stings! KEK!

Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.9925474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5482 >>5606 >>5762 >>5775

The Trump campaign relies on a huge network of QAnon

accounts to spread conspiracy theories and disinformation

, data shows

Tom Porter 3 hours ago


"Members of the far-right QAnon movement are spreading pro-Trump conspiracy theories and propaganda across social media platforms.


They're getting a boost from President Donald Trump and key supporters, who pick up and further amplify the messages.


QAnon supporters wrongly believe that Trump is fighting a cabal of child abusing Democrats and Hollywood stars. The movement emerged from the 4Chan messaging board.


Some of the top accounts promoting popular pro-Trump messages on Twitter are also promoting QAnon propaganda, according to a data analyst who scoured thousands of posts.


Experts say that Trump is giving dangerous legitimacy to an extremist movement linked to several violent crimes.


As protests raged in Washington DC on May 31 following the death of George Floyd, President Donald Trump shared a cryptic Twitter message from a supporter with a one word message of his own: "STRENGTH."


The message, from an account that went by the name Sean Cordicon, contained video of the president and his supporters, and the message the "the calm before, during, & after the storm."


The post — from an account soon suspended by Twitter for spreading disinformation — would have meant little to most people.


But to those in the sprawling QAnon movement it was a nod of presidential approval, cementing an unusual symbiosis between an online conspiracy theory and Trump's re-election campaign.


For QAnon supporters, "the storm" refers to the day Trump will finally take action against the alliance of intelligence officials, child-abusing Democrats and their media allies whom they believe — groundlessly – have long been covertly manipulating world affairs.



According to new data shared with Business Insider, this relationship goes beyond occasional sign of approval, and is in fact a deeply-embedded part of how the Trump campaign operates online.


At least three recent propaganda narratives aired by Trump can be traced directly to QAnon accounts.


According to research by Kevin Kaplan, a researcher at progressive media monitoring group Media Matters, the hashtags #DoNothingDems and #OpenAmericaNow both originated from QAnon Twitter before being repeated by Trump — as did the more incendiary #Obamagate.


#Obamagate refers to a vague conspiracy theory, promoted by Trump and key allies, alleging that President Barack Obama had been involved in a criminal plot involving the probe into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.


Trump has avoided describing exactly what crime he believes his predecessor committed back in May, but claimed it was serious."



Every hit piece another badge of Honor

Free advertisement & Moar free rent inside [their] minds

Anonymous ID: a68496 July 11, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.9925570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5597 >>5762 >>5775


Oh man, you have overdosed on the Q! kek

Have you seen Joe M' video on Covid?


New Video from Joe M, the creator of

“Q -The Plan to Save the World”

“You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise. #Covid911


Right now the country is being torn apart by the biggest political hoax and coordinated mass-media disinformation campaign in living history. You may know it, as Covid19.

In 2015, as directed by the globalist criminal corruption network known as the Deep State, President Barack Obama authorized millions in funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the location now understood to be the epicenter of the Covid19 outbreak.

The research carried out here was to provide the agent for a global biological attack on a scale never before seen - one that would be timed for release within an election year – starting the very day unsubstantiated efforts to impeach President Trump fell apart.


With their base of operations in the Democrat establishment, the Deep State shadow corporation embarked on a coordinated irregular warfare insurgency, with multiple aims, all under the cover of a global pandemic they themselves manufactured for this purpose.

Enabled by their owned and controlled corporate media monopoly, they instigated a heavy-handed and unjustifiable nationwide shutdown to reverse Trump’s many economic and unemployment gains, with Democrat-controlled states suffering the harshest restrictions in the country. Trump’s energetic rallies were halted, hiding from view the surging nationwide passion for his galvanizing message, while Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden was able to avoid interviews and debates where Left-leaning voters would not be shown his obvious inability to govern or the emerging Ukrainian bribery scandal that earned his family millions in illicit kickbacks by abusing his office.

The next major advantage of the pandemic for the Deep State was the case made to the public for mail-in voting, a highly insecure practice proven to be rampant with fraud, just as the public saw in one such example when a former Philadelphia judge pled guilty to stuffing ballot boxes after being paid by what he called a “Democrat political consultant”.


With a rapidly rising death toll needed to make the case to the public for even harsher control, normal influenza deaths for the year were recorded as Covid19, artificially inflating the numbers. But this was only the beginning. When this did not yield enough fatalities, the Deep State then initiated a murderous plan to defy federal guidelines and move infected patients into nursing homes where the highest risk age group could be found in large numbers.

Deep State governors of NY, NJ, CA, PA, and MI oversaw what can only be described as a genocide of our elderly loved ones even as the quickly constructed field hospitals and medically equipped Navy ships stood mostly empty. This horrendous act cost the lives of over 50,000 people – but gave the insurgency a death toll that would stoke the public fear needed to push ahead with their goals.


In these dark times, when people had little else but the comfort of community and their faith, this too was forcibly halted when simply going to church was banned across the country under the guise of public safety. Depression and loneliness became the new epidemic, all designed to create the social conditions needed for what was to come next in their despotic plan to fracture the nation and hold onto power.

Immediately upon reports of a flattening curve and a reduction in new cases, the mysterious murder of George Floyd hit the headlines. What was presented to the public as a routine instance of racially motivated police brutality turned out to be a strange and coincidental series of events involving two men who once knew each-other working security in a night club.


This event provided the justification for the next chapter in their coordinated insurgency against the United States. The goal was to to inflame civil unrest along racial lines on an emotional platform of social justice. Black Lives Matter was funded and designed by the corrupt Democrat establishment as a social weapon to draw crowds of well-meaning protesters into harm’s way, using them as human shields while they pushed a savage insurrection on city streets.

After November they stand to lose it all but they will do everything to keep the crisis alive and the people in fear. To win we must remember what made us strong so that true justice can finally return to what is and always will be the most exceptional Republic ever to exist in all of human history.

May God bless America."