see what you get when you water your lawn too much? Yep, that’s right……Fungus
One of the things about those spirals is that they are carved into rocks, boulders and cliff faces the world over from thousands of years ago. Pedos it seems have been around advertising for untold millennia. You gonna hang a guy for one simple squiggle? I think you need quite a bit more sauce. Pasta is kind of dry.
I’ve been to that planet. Don’t eat any shrooms before you go or you gonna have a really bad trip.
That’s not the first cat five to just sit and hang off the Bahamas. Search back a few decades. Just saying.
Bob died.
My Dad took us to Monomoy for the day when I was real young and the Kennedy Clan came ashore from Hyannis port. Little did I know then that I was playing with Jr. until many years laters. Jack was salty, don’t let anyone tell you different.
I can see the Vineyard from my town
In the 70s there was a navigable channel between Chatham and Monomoy. We used to use it as a shortcut heading up to the Northern edge. Monomoy is disappearing.
I was on Nantucket that day. We had a place out at Wauwinet for the summer. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Great point Nantucket and other stuff. Nantucket is far better than Chatham or Martha’s Vineyard. It’s just really expensive.The gray ghost