>Battle of Notables Creek Anon - you out there?
We need a new one:
I survived the Battle of ~~Wayfair~~ ~~Tucker~~ whothefuckknows
>Battle of Notables Creek Anon - you out there?
We need a new one:
I survived the Battle of ~~Wayfair~~ ~~Tucker~~ whothefuckknows
Sounds good - TYB
Q's Think Mirror turns out to be the most accurate thing he's ever dropped.
Right away, Boss!
nah, you're an oldfag
PedoShill was actually quite chatty in some of the posts (relative to the usual mo).
In retrospect should have asked him if he could settle the argument for us.
>Dr. Fauci Says Trump Hasn’t Talked to Him in a Month
I thought it was unpossible to love POTUS even moar.
post link sauce plz
Every time it happens there are several that say it's because (insert fav cause here).
One time that happened it turned out to be because Jim/Ron decided not to setup the 8ch cartoon whore loli board on 8kun and not (insert fav cause here).
At the rate we're going it won't be long until this says:
Black Lives Matter, Miss.
BO (FJ) on top of this.
Thanks, FJ!
Refresh, Anons.
Stahp, redtexfail - you have no clue why