Anonymous ID: da24d9 July 11, 2020, 6:29 a.m. No.9926693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6719 >>6780 >>6802 >>6878 >>6934 >>7045 >>7263 >>7364

Target for digging:

Q's 4551, 4554


Have seen little to no digging on the connection between AL SHARPTON and BLACK LIVES MATTER.

This guy is some kind of an operator.

Every time the Dems need a rabblerouser to galvanize the black community, this guy Sharpton appears out of nowhere.

He rides a private plane. He's either incredibly well funded, or someone is paying the bills.


What is this NAN organization and how does it connect financially to Sharpton and to donors? Pic 3. Needs exploration by diggers.


Don't turn the digging back on me. I'm busy harvesting memes. We need a ton of memes on:












muslim brotherhood


but in priority order these 3 things are immediate and central:


–the maxwell connections

–the sharpton/blm connection

–and PUSH those Bill Clinton / Prince Andrew pics that we got from Q


We have 2 new folders to focus our laser on these topics, and I'm working to build others:

* Al Sharpton —

Connected to BLM. Why so well hidden? Is he protected? DIG!

* Prince Andrew —

And his connection with Epstein, Maxwell, and underage girls

Anonymous ID: da24d9 July 11, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.9926768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6780 >>6878 >>6934 >>7045 >>7263 >>7364




>worthy dig…

Thank you Patriot.


>Can you do a meme that compare contrast our movement vs BLM??? Our movement "good" theirs "evil" but with some good examples? I think it would counter that story about us out there now…

Good idea, but I personally cannot do it right now. Plate full assembling the good memes that we already have into a folder for QR and external anons to use.

Other memefags, go for it if this appeals to you.


HIGHER PRIORITY is to uncover the connection between AL SHARPTON and BLACK LIVES MATTER.

→ Sharpton is some kind of an operator.

→ Every time the left needs a rabblerouser to galvanize the black community or create outrage, this guy Sharpton appears out of nowhere.

→ He rides a private plane. He's either incredibly well funded, or someone is paying the bills.

→ And what is this NAN organization mentioned by Q, and how does it connect financially to Sharpton and to donors?

→ In other words, anything we can do to shine some light on

→ –Who funds Al Sharpton?

→ –Funding mechanism(s)?

→ –Who is pulling his strings?

→ –Who tells him to get on a plane and go do something?

→ –Who pays for the plane rides?

→ –Other unsavory associates and/or connections of Sharpton?


Thank you, patriot fren.