Oh shit
too late for some of us
All Assets Deployed
How many shill attacks does it take to reach the bottom of the barrel? The quality really leaves something to desire. Must be close to the Target.
I figure at least 35% immediate suicide rate. A lot of people are not going to be able to absorb what's coming unfortunately.
It's great idea anon. Please don't give up control of it though. All they do is destroy.
Oh really? When did it become a known hoax?
I see it occurring for several different reasons. I hope i'm wrong. Interesting about movie. Do you remember name?
You must be projecting. I asked a sincere question. You're response tells me what I need to know.
Just like pizza gate was debunked. The shills are lashing out big time last two days.
If you're good at digging DeBergalis' connections to Mark Warner could prove interesting.
Ty. Redford is huge red flag for me.
You missed the point. Pizzagate is very real. It has never been debunked. Neither has the wayfair dig been debunked. The push now is that it's "'only" money laundering. Money laundering doesn't explain using dead/missing kids names. And don't call me Rabbi. As if.
Good luck. Can't wait to see it. Thank you for doing it.