Anonymous ID: 2b0faf July 11, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.9929830   🗄️.is 🔗kun

but wahhh why is potus giving in

potus always has a reason and it generally is not apparent to normies.

as example many wanted potus to send in the mil/ng and aid fuck the governors we cant watch the hit burn.


well we did watch shit burn and looting and rioting.

the world watched dem governors do nothing. people want security they did not get it from their immediate elected leaders.


The DS and Dems were counting on Potus going in, Dem governors did not ask for help, why?

Because they were counting on Potus going in anyway and wanted to declare that trump was a fascist and invading their state against their wishes, they would be on cnn and msnbc saying we had it all handled with peaceful solutions and potus told us he wanted to punish the peaceful people because he told us he does not think black live matter, and quote to show them i am boss, to not mess with me i am the president and control the law.


As the NG went in to restore peace, and local police who were sick and tired of stand down orders assisted, film crews were live and would film a few cops (GS/rogue intel funded Operators dressed in police gear) firing on a group of minority protestors and killing several.


The money shot broadcat live on tv (you are watching a movie).

Then House of Dems declare crisis and enlist the UN, WHO and EU to restore peace and defend dem states and cities from trumps military assault.

The defund the police gains steam and the trap was done!


That what they wanted and did not get, But sooo many said Potus needs to restore order.

Instead we had Barr forming a multiagency FBI CTT taskforce and deputizing NG and possibly Mil as US marshalls BOOM!


That is how the game is played, nothing is as it appears and Potus does not fall for the Traps.