Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.9929780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9797 >>9840 >>9855 >>9938 >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

Facebook Files Patent for System That Hides Audio Clips in TV Ads to Trigger Phones to Record Background Noise


Facebook is known for being creepy – to say the least. They recently admitted to wrongly sharing user data with 3rd party apps AGAIN. A lawsuit has also been filed against the company and others for “Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of China by transferring AI Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation.”


No matter how many times company spokespeople apologize and promise to do better – it doesn’t take long before the company decides to be creepy again.


From Technocracy News & Trends:


Despite rhetoric about consumer privacy, Technocrats at Facebook are busy working on even more sinister and intrusive methods of spying on people. Their feigned deference to public opinion is hollow. Technocrats have no sense of ethics or respect for the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. ⁃ TN Editor


Social media giant Facebook continues to ramp up the creepy factor. According to a recently filed patent, Facebook wants to spy on you by hiding inaudible messages in TV ads.


Facebook has filed a patent for a system that hides audio clips in TV commercials. These sounds would be so high-pitched that they are inaudible to human beings. They would then trigger your phone to record all the background noises in your home. The patent application is called “broadcast content view analysis based on ambient audio recording.”


According to The Daily Mail, these secret messages would force your phone to record the audio of the private conversations you have without you even knowing. According to a patent application by the social media platform, clips taken of your background conversations and your movements across a room would help advertisers determine whether or not you are watching their promotions.


According to the patent, originally discovered by Metro, the system would use “a non-human hearable digital sound” to activate your phone’s microphone. This noise, which could be a sound so high-pitched that humans cannot hear it, would contain a “machine recognizable” set of Morse code-style beeps. Once your phone “hears” or recognizes the trigger, it would begin to record the “ambient noise” in the home, such as the sound of your air conditioning unit, plumbing noises from your pipes, and even your movements from one room to another. Your phone would even listen in on “distant human speech” and “creaks from thermal contraction”, according to the patent.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9929791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

Atlanta Mayor Blames Trump for Rise in Gun Violence After She CRAPPED on Police


The Atlanta Mayor is reeling once again after her city continues to be in turmoil. As you remember, the insanely liberal mayor and district attorney filed murder charges against two police officers who shot and killed a suspect who attacked them.


Let’s review for a second, shall we. Rayshard Brooks was a dangerous criminal and a multiple time FELON. He was driving drunk, resisted arrest, fought the police officers, stole their taser, ran from them, fired the taser at them, and was ultimately shot and killed. Yup, you guessed it, the cops are the bad guys here, and both are facing murder charges in Atlanta.


Dozens of Atlanta police officers have resigned and retired, no one has their back, and they aren’t even remotely approaching anyone who is Black right now committing a crime. Can you blame them in the America that Barack Obama helped create with racial tensions and divide?


“I don’t know the answers because I don’t know the questions to ask… We talk about systemic racism and the trauma and anxiety… It’s this convergence, this perfect storm, it’s where we are in this country. Think about the leadership or lack thereof-coming from the highest office in the land,” Keisha Lance Bottoms the Atlanta Mayor stated.


Where do I begin to dissect this pile of garbage? For starters, you can’t have a Black President for 8 Years and claim systemic racism. You can’t have Black Congressional members, Senate members, and Billionaires in America and claim systemic racism. That’s just absolutely moronic rhetoric, and I’m slinging facts that will hurt your feelings. You might want to turn around now snowflakes, it’s about to get real.


You then brought up two good police officers on murder charges for doing their jobs, and took the side of a violent thug/felon. You wonder why violence is up? You’ve given criminals an open season you ginormous idiot stick. Hell, they know that police can’t even touch a black criminal now without getting the riot act from the media and the social justice warriors who are a cancer on our society.


The leadership in the White House you bring up. The only person in America besides President Trump, Attorney General William Barr wants law and order in America. It’s radical leftists like you who want utter chaos as innocent white people are being jumped and beaten by mobs in every major city in America on the daily.


Both the President and the Attorney General have backed the police, backed the innocent, and said they will step in if incompetent leaders like yourself don’t. You’re unfit to run Atlanta, hell you’re unfit to run a Waffle House, and that’s an insult to Waffle House.


I’ll end on this note. Cities and Towns that keep electing Democrats get everything they deserve. If you don’t like it there and you’re a conservative, stop giving them your tax dollars, and move somewhere that values America’s greatness and families

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9929805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0106 >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

At DOJ, Ghislaine Maxwell’s Defense Attorney Investigated the Clinton Foundation With Top FBI Agent Who Commited Suicide


Ghislaine Maxwell’s defense attorney previously worked on the federal task force that investigated the Clinton Foundation during his tenure as a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York — alongside the top FBI agent who killed himself on a night club dance floor a year ago, according to revelations on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Listen above.


Maxwell’s attorney Christian Everdell worked on the same task force as FBI Supervisory Special Agent Salvatore Cincinelli, now deceased. That task force, which investigated complex financial crimes, investigated the Clinton Foundation for money laundering and pay to play and more. No one was ever prosecuted.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9929815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

Biggs, Massie call on Trump to remove troops from Afghanistan


Two House conservatives are calling on President Trump to “immediately withdraw” all troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, arguing the country needs to stop engaging in “endless wars.”


In a letter sent to President Trump on Tuesday, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said keeping a military presence in the region could mean a loss of power for the U.S.


“Throughout your entire presidency, you have worked tirelessly to Make America Great Again. We are confident you will repeat this feat again after this pandemic. However, the United States will not remain a great power for long if we stay engaged in perpetual warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan,” the letter says.


The Trump administration is reportedly finalizing plans to withdraw 4,000 troops from Afghanistan before Election Day, a move that critics — including House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) — argue would destabilize the region and put the U.S. national security at risk.


The lawmakers said they believe the calls from members on both sides of the aisle to remain in the country are misguided.


“You will be best served if you listen to your gut instincts on this momentous decision. We urge you to ignore any ‘wisdom’ from the bipartisan cabal of phony experts in the administrative state that have bungled both military and diplomatic campaigns since their start in 2001 and 2003 respectively,” they continued.


“Iraq and Afghanistan do not possess any weapons that can reach the continental United States. Moreover, neither nation is vital to the national security of the United States. Finally, neither nation is worth one more Gold Star family,” they added.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.9929846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9888 >>9892 >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

Newt Gingrich: Good riddance anti-Trump Republicans who would rather support Biden, Pelosi and Schumer


The deep state Republicans are against Trumpism as much as they are against President Trump.


The deep state Republicans are alive and well and doing what you’d expect them to be doing. They are living proof that President Donald Trump is a genuine change agent. The world he is changing is their world, and they hate him for it.


In the near future, these deep state Republicans will drop the pretense of still belonging to the Party of Abraham Lincoln and become Democrats. These are, after all, people who have grown deeply uncomfortable not just with President Trump but also with those Republicans (the vast majority) who are comfortable with President Trump (about 88 percent of the GOP). This is why they are now running ads against pro-Trump Republican Senators as well as against President Trump himself.


They find the prospect of a Biden-Pelosi-Schumer machine running America more acceptable than the possibility of a Trump-McConnell-McCarthy team being in charge of Washington.


The deep state Republicans are against Trumpism as much as they are against President Trump.


In a real sense, the revolt of the anti-Trump Republicans is further proof of just how different and disruptive the Trump candidacy and the Trump presidency have been.


Most of the anti-Trump Republicans come from elite schools and built their careers around being part of the elite. They valued the professorial intellectual approach. They believed in leaders relying on staff work because they had usually been the staff. Antony Jay’s "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" could have been written about them. In many ways, they found President Barack Obama’s professorial style comforting. They might have disagreed on policy, but they could agree on style.


The Trump candidacy was an enormous, rude shock to the deep state Republicans.


These were people who knew how to play the game. They moved effortlessly from policy jobs in the bureaucracy to think tanks, where they wrote about their policies for law firms and lobbyists. They would go on television or be interviewed in newspapers where they talked about their own policies.


The deep state Republicans worked with and socialized with deep state Democrats. They were much more comfortable with deep state Democrats than with most Republicans. They could have bipartisan cocktail parties in Georgetown and nice dinners at elegant restaurants. They often went to the same vacation towns and enjoyed the same beaches and hobbies.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9929858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

House Blunders to Blame for Dems’ Setback in Trump Subpoena Case


Just a few minutes into Supreme Court arguments over congressional subpoenas for President Donald Trump's financial records, it was clear that House Democrats were in trouble.


The House had argued that it has far-reaching subpoena powers and can compel disclosure of documents related to any legislation it's considering. Chief Justice John Roberts was not so sure. Congress can consider legislation on any number of subjects, and Roberts pressed House lawyer Doug Letter for just one example of information beyond the reach of a congressional subpoena under the House's proposed theory.


"Your test is really not much of a test," Roberts told Letter, adding that the House's approach would unduly weaken the presidency.


Justice Samuel Alito delivered the body blow a few minutes later, pointedly reminding Letter he could not give "even one example of a subpoena that would not be pertinent to some conceivable legislative purpose."


"That's correct," Letter replied. "Because this Court itself has said Congress's power to legislate is extremely broad."


It was a startling moment—advocates always have a limiting principle in their back pocket when arguing before the Court—and the chief justice made Letter pay for it in Thursday's decision.


"Any personal paper possessed by a president could potentially ‘relate to' a conceivable subject of legislation," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. "Indeed, at argument, the House was unable to identify any type of information that lacks some relation to potential legislation."


Letter's audacious legal strategy fell flat before the nation's highest judicial tribunal. When the decision in Trump v. Mazars came down Thursday, not a single justice voted in the House's favor. Instead, the Court awarded Trump a short-term tactical victory that gives future presidents a boost when congressional investigators come looking for their personal papers. It was an outcome that might have been avoided had the House tempered its claims.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9929948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9963 >>0015 >>0056 >>0117 >>0284 >>0427 >>0438

Texas Emergency Chief Advises Residents to Wear a Mask at All Times, Even in Your Own Home


The Texas Emergency Management Division is advising residents to wear a mask at all times, even at home!


Nim Kidd, chief of the Texas Division Emergency Management appeared on WOAI-TV this week and advised people to mask up in their own homes.


“We still need people to wear the mask out in public, we still need people to keep social distance and isolation,” Kidd said. “Ryan, the one thing I want to try to get across today is we need to do that when we’re in our homes also.


“As you know, I’m a life-long San Antonian, grew up there, worked there for many years and I know how many multi-generational families that we have. While we believe the community is doing a great job of following the rules when they are outside the home, we really need to be thinking about doing the same thing when we’re inside the home.”


There is no science behind wearing a face mask, but Nim Kidd had a doom and gloom message for Texans:


“Remember when we had to put out the ‘click it or ticket” in order to get people to wear seat belts? “Now should we look at ‘mask it or casket?’” he said.


Four months ago in March we were told to shelter-in-place for a couple weeks: ’15 days to slow the spread’ of COVID.


Now it’s July and government officials are telling American citizens to stay home and wear a mask over a virus with a 99%+ survival rate.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.9929982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0427 >>0438

U.S. Forces Stopped At Three Syrian Army Checkpoints In Northern Al-Hasakah


On July 11, checkpoints of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) stopped several U.S. military vehicles in three different villages in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.


The Syrian News Agency said the U.S. vehicles were intercepted by Syrian troops in al-Sybat, Tell Shamiran and Mansaf Tahtani. The vehicles withdrew to their bases after failing to enter the villages.


Several similar incidents took place in northern al-Hasakah recently. A day earlier, army service members intercepted a U.S. convoy consisting of three vehicles in Mansaf Tahtani. Prior to that, a U.S. convoy was stopped next to the town of Tell Tamr.


So far, U.S. forces have not attempted to use force against the SAA and local pro-government fighters. In most cases, Syrian and American service members exchange slurs and threats. These incidents always end up with U.S. forces retreating.


U.S. forces can’t move freely in northern al-Hasakah anymore, especially around tell Tamr and al-Qamishli. The SAA’s influence in the region is without a doubt growing. Damascus is restoring its relations with the locals there with much success.

Anonymous ID: 82eb90 July 11, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.9930164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0427 >>0438

Another Explosion Rocks Turkish-Occupied Areas In Syria’s Aleppo


On July 11 morning, a booby-trapped car exploded in the Turkish-occupied city of al-Bab in the northern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.


The car bomb blew up near the al-Bushi mosque, which is located on the city’s northern road. Videos shared by locals show the extensive material damage caused by the fairly large explosion.