Anonymous ID: ac49d9 July 11, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9929800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9854


Keep it up, diggers.

>Keep an eye on fellow diggers. Expand on, encourage, and nominate when you see good stuff.

>Not all of us know where to look. If you find a lead, remember that you can always request shovels from Anons who don't know where to start.

>Use Twitter. Amplify the message and coordinate topics using retweets and thread comments.

>Use halfchan. If you don't usually crosspost, at least lurk and bump relevant threads. Full coordination with autists for maximum efficiency.

>Dive deep. Most of the surface information and page-one facts available have been exhausted already, so keep going to investigate less-obvious leads.


Current leads trending:

>Maxwell and Wafair prez

>Names of missing children

>Overpriced cabinets discrepancy

>Insane pushback from news media; immediate debunking from Newsweek specifically

Enemy response confirms direct hit with Wafair digs. M.O. going forward is a full saturation attack and American strategy. Expect continuing return fire and focus accordingly. We've got this.

Anonymous ID: ac49d9 July 11, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.9929998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0094 >>0305 >>0311


I have often wondered about this. A few facts off the top of my head:

>fewer than 10 people have the full picture, all details included

>the Weiner laptop was so bad that hardened officers/detectives actually threw up

>the truth would put most of us in the hospital

>80% covert, 20% public

>we're already pushing the limits with classified intel here

I think basically what it all adds up to is this:

The full truth of what has happened and will happen is so dark and terrible that the Patriots have decided to hide the full picture from the public at large. Maybe the visceral details of what was perpetrated are so disturbing that they serve no purpose outside of a courtroom beyond satisfying morbid curiosity. Maybe the betrayal we suffered was so extensive and complete that a myth has to be created in order to preserve this country's faith in humanity and its institutions. Maybe full-context involves details of such sensitive importance to national security thst they simply can't be revealed without endangering people. And maybe the truth is so earth-shattering and lovecraftian that people who know it are driven to madness and left unable to sleep at night.

In any case, all we can do is speculate based on what we do know.