So while everyone is distracted by Wayfair, our money system is in the beginning stages of being dismantled.
Coin shortage - businesses not accepting cash - not giving change - asking customers to roundup and donate to “checkout charities”.
Lots of money there that is a great revenue generator for those working against us.
Also happening, Bank of America has been sending out notices to people saying that their DES EPC cards have been closed and that money has been returned to the employers.
This is trending on twitter and reddit.
Soros has ties to Bank of America.
This started yesterday. Bank of America is largely closed on the weekend. Many people who are out of work to begin with have no access to their money and are flipping out.
I believe we are witnessing the next Event unfold.
Bankrupt all brick and mortar stores, eliminate cash and change because of muh COVID, destroy all manner of financial transaction with street vendors, flea markets, and the cash system of small towns. Eliminate cash donations at churches, it can then all be tracked as we pass the iPhone with card reader down the pews.
It’s happening this minute and no one is noticing.