Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:14 p.m. No.9934731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4746


An Unprecedented Experiment: “Sometimes you just gotta wear the stupid.”


On June 12, 2020 we published in our montly print edition an abbreviated version of the apolitical analysis regarding scientific studies on masks' and respirators' effectiveness by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD. His full white paper, "Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy" is available at our website. (As of June 5, the site had censored Rancourt's paper that had been published there since April, 2020.)


I am well aware of the stigma associated with questioning the status quo when it comes to matters of health and well being. You may have noticed the Reader has not had any local health-care advertisers for many years. Nor have we ever had any pharmaceutical advertisers, something all mainstream media rely heavily on to stay afloat.


Longtime readers of this publication are well aware that one of the Reader's primary directives is to question authority. There are troves of documentation worldwide that prove our leaders got COVID-19 deadly wrong in numerous areas. If you have not read Reader editor Kathleen McCarthy's extensive analysis of the COVID-19 science and punditry over the last three months, you can get caught up at the following short links: and


Like sheep, a majority of Americans went along with the national COVID-19 response, deficient in reliable science and protocols. Even those who knew the response was not only extreme, but unjustified, complied with “I guess sometimes you gotta just wear the stupid,” as they scrambled for a mask to go grocery shopping. And even though the relief is starting to sink in that a contagious apocalypse is not upon us, many still suffer needlessly from Corona-phobia.


This publication is from Iowa

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.9934746   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why there can never be an empirical test of a nationwide mask-wearing policy


As mentioned above, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public. There is good reason for this. It would be impossible to obtain unambiguous and bias-free results:

Any benefit from mask-wearing would have to be a small effect, since undetected in controlled experiments, which would be swamped by the larger effects, notably the large effect from changing atmospheric humidity.

Mask compliance and mask adjustment habits would be unknown.

Mask-wearing is associated (correlated) with several other health behaviours; see Wada (2012).

The results would not be transferable, because of differing cultural habits.

Compliance is achieved by fear, and individuals can habituate to fear-based propaganda, and can have disparate basic responses.

Monitoring and compliance measurement are near-impossible, and subject to large errors.

Self-reporting (such as in surveys) is notoriously biased, because individuals have the self-interested belief that their efforts are useful.

Progression of the epidemic is not verified with reliable tests on large population samples, and generally relies on non-representative hospital visits or admissions.

Several different pathogens (viruses and strains of viruses) causing respiratory illness generally act together, in the same population and/or in individuals, and are not resolved, while having different epidemiological characteristics.


Look up the meaning of Counterconditioning, you may be shocked

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.9934768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5087


I have no idea who you are or what the hell you are talking about.


Did you mistake this place for a DISCUSSION BOARD?



NOT impressed

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.9934779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4823



I see that you normally use Yandex to browse underage female porn. This is the closest they will display without getting explicit permission to show ALL the results.

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.9934847   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Then ask them explicitly…


Are you telling me that you are NOT going to take my money?

When they say yes, pick up the stuff and walk out without paying.

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.9934897   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Germ theory says that disease is caused by evil spirits and demons which get into your body and attack it.

Anonymous ID: f6d619 July 11, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9934973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164 >>5205

What Is A Virus?

In Latin, the word “virus” means poison or toxin and the word “inflammation” means “I ignite or set alight.”


Like gasoline, when metabolic and/or dietary acids are collected and retained in the interstitial fluids or what is called the Interstitium organ or the the ‘third kidney’. If the acidic cellular and dietary waste is not removed from the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium via the lymphatic system and then out through urination, defecation and perspiration, this waste can remain in the Interstitium fluids or be pushed out and collected in the connective tissues or the ‘acid catchers’ of the blood and interstitial fluids. When this happens the organs, tissues and glands will ‘light-up or ignite” with inflammation or pain.