Anonymous ID: 2cc65c July 12, 2020, 1:19 a.m. No.9936528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6544

Portland Rioters Surround Car, Driver Shoots His Way Out


In the early hours of July 9th, a person driving a white car in downtown Portland was surrounded by rioters. The “protesters” demanded that the driver “get off the f*cking road!” Within seconds multiple shots were fired in the air from the car. No one was hit. No further information is available, as Portland police didn’t respond to the incident.

Every night for the past six weeks in Portland, Oregon, antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters, looters and vandals have turned what used to be a nice neighborhood in downtown into a war zone. Portlanders are sick of it.

More than $23 million worth of damage has been done to downtown businesses since the antifa and BLM insurrection began in earnest. Vandalism is everywhere. Windows are boarded up. Businesses have been looted. People are afraid to come downtown even in the daytime. On Friday night, antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters tried to break into the federal building again and took a hammer to the head of a federal officer.

The Portland police officers union has begged elected officials to stop defending the violent protesters. That obviously hasn’t happened. The only serious prosecutions of antifa and their BLM counterparts is being done by President Donald Trump and his attorney general.

Anonymous ID: 2cc65c July 12, 2020, 1:28 a.m. No.9936556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561 >>6592 >>6620 >>6713 >>6805 >>6853 >>6886

Former HS Secretary Elaine Duke Claiming That Trump Wanted to Sell Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria


The New York Times reports that the former acting secretary of homeland security joins a growing list of former senior officials disgruntled by Trump's erratic nature when handling his presidency. Duke was especially taken aback when the president made the suggestion to sell the island. 'The president's initial ideas were more of as a businessman, you know,' she recalled. 'Can we outsource the electricity? Can we sell the island? You know, or divest of that asset?' The lifelong Republican did add that Trump never seriously discussed selling Puerto Rico after that comment. The former senior official is currently unclear on whether she plans on voting for Trump again.

Anonymous ID: 2cc65c July 12, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.9936582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6586 >>6620 >>6706 >>6713 >>6805 >>6853 >>6886

LA Teachers Union Says Schools Can't Reopen Unless Charter Schools Get Shut Down And Police Are Defunded. (They also want Medicare-For-All, a wealth tax, and a federal bailout)

Anonymous ID: 2cc65c July 12, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.9936624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6713 >>6805 >>6853 >>6869 >>6886 >>6890

Europe: Rape victims accused of racism


Rape victims who drew attention to Pakistani and South Asian sex grooming gangs are being attacked by the "woke" establishment.

This month in the UK, Sarah Champion, a Labor politician and MP for Rotherham (the epicenter of sex grooming), was accused of "fanning the flames of racial hatred" and "acting like a neo-fascist murderer." Her crime? She had dared to assert that "Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls."

A few weeks earlier, an article appeared titled, "I was raped by Rotherham grooming gang - now I still face racist abuse online". In the article a British woman revealed that her Muslim rapists called her "a white whore, a white bitch" during the more than 100 times she was raped by the Pakistani grooming gang. Her attempts to highlight the "religious and racist aspects" of her and many other girls' similar abuse led only to "a lot of abuse from far-left extremists, and radical feminist academics," she said.

Even when it comes to rape, then, if the victim is white and the rapist is not, she is no victim at all; worse, she is a "racist" and "hater" who, if anything, apparently deserves what she got and more. "Blame the victim" is back with a vengeance and gaining ground throughout the West.


Around 19,000 children have been sexually groomed in England in the past year, according to official figures that have prompted warnings of an “epidemic”. Campaigners say the true figure is far higher, and accused the government of failing to tackle child sexual exploitation, despite promises made after high-profile cases in Rotherham and Rochdale. (