hate to do this but i'm gonna. filterfag filter. but you will miss this…
all these biblefags have scripture. a lot have end day knowledge. almost none understand the end days scripture. i'm not talking about interpretation of visions and prophecy, and the order they play out. i mean the end days and who live in those end days..
in a nutshell. we (sheep) were controlled from birth. we had no FREE will. some are fucked by pharma beyond help. mental and physical. there is scripture on it and i'll paraphrase on memory. i have to, i rarely ever read the bible (in comparison) but i have an oldfag pedigree… i've read plenty.
"those righteous in the end are lucky… they are exempt from the second death"
reason we are given a choice anons. real simple. no eat baby you live. no eat baby you live. no fuck baby you live. (dunno anything about repent on that but i think no deals)
God is about belief and faith in these days and eons before. not 3000 years ago. He was manifest. God talked in person… and through angels… maybe he was fishing. 2000 years ago His son was here. God is real and still talking to us but not in person. listen anon. hear it. but… there is a plan. wtf i have no idea… yet.