Anonymous ID: 1aa976 July 12, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.9938553   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Biden gaffes are very real and legendary both in quantity and quality (or total lack of any quality), not only in words but also deeds, like fondling children for the camera.


We all recognize what he currently does is far worse than the gross norm of decades past. Biden truly out does Biden these days. Bravo! Great Show! That is all or mostly all Biden now is, Show. In 2016 Dems, did everything they could to hide the bad show of Hilly, massive cover-up. 2020, Biden doses everything he can to expose his bad show. I call FAKE. When it is real, you hide it.


I'll go further and name this Biden deception. I call it the FarrLeftBiden, throw hashtag in front of that and please give it birth, launch hunch.


Let me explain.


We all know what 'Far Left' is and moderate Biden flocks out to it like gull on water. I mean he goes way past Hawaii heading into heartland China… the dirty rotten commies, yea China, come and get me you filthy thugs..


Stay with me, but it ain't Far, it is Farr, as in Jamie Farr, Maxwell Q Klinger, MAS*H, stage name of Jameel Joseph Farah. Yes it is all fake, made up. Like beloved Klinger, Biden cozies up to the Barr, bucking for Section 8, discharge, unfit for duty. Yes… looking between the names, Biden tries to put the Q on all of us. And he is being a real sMASH at it. Again, BRAVO! It ain't military, it is DOJ.


Like Farr, Biden puts on some very convincing shows. Once, in a while Farr really had us going, I mean, he was really good at his endless con. We loved the goofball. Biden looks to be real, but I call fake bigger than a giant stack of NYT. It just has that Farr-out look and feel to it. Biden's typical gaffes are of course genuine the rest is FarrLeft, I mean Left as in that is all that is 'left' for Biden to be. It is a skit… but then all political Left is nothing but show. They never do. Biden fits right in.


Biden never wanted back in, but then spring of last year, 19, with Rudy kicking up all things Ukraine, I think Biden jumped in to try out the Hilly defense, you dare not touch a Lefty candidate.with legal complications no matter how big and ghastly the mounds of crimes heap. Immunity is the expected norm in the Barry two tier judicial system. Hilly and Biden both bank on it. Which needs it most is very hard to determine. One thing for sure, Dems now have a proven track record of picking their most corrupt, splash on the whitewash and parade them out every four years right after the riots. We see the pattern, we get it: corruption, whitewash, elect and disaster for America should the third proposition take. I mean, that is exactly what happened in 08 and 12 and now we dig out from it all. This is well established FarLeft pattern. Was Clinton any better? 


Turn spring 2020, the Biden/Barry/Soros Ukraine corruption demands exposure but gets swamped by CCP/Dem Virus and then buried by riots and cancel culture. It is all fake in the sense that all the horror is manufactured to fill our heads so we ignore Ukraine. It is called controlling the Agenda. But just like any facade wall, when it comes falling down it can break your skull. Left Fake never means it is not deadly.


Biden wants out, one way or another. He knows no Dem can win 2020 against Trump, so he files his daily Section 8 routine across our screens like Klinger Q did weekly. Who his sweetheart will be, that was part of his last-man-standing deal this past spring. She will be an ultra Barry ego, who if ever installed will file 25 A on Biden 1-20-21. Biden has worked hard to deserve it, turned out to pasture. Since that is fairyland, Biden will Section 8 in front of Barr. No jury will do much against him but… turning him out to pasture. Biden is the convenient Dem stooge, fully expendable. He too cannot wait for these days to end, all he wants is green-grass, full of playful children.


FarrLeftBiden hops over the Barr looking for soft land.


Did Rudy probing around back at the end of 2018 put Biden up to it, to run spring 19 evoking the Hilly defense? Did Barry/Soros egg him on, crack his shell when they demanded he shill for them, spring of 20. Did he fall off wall on his own? Matter's not, he is cracked and busted, public perception. He will not stand in Oval, He will not stand convicted. He and his will get stripped. Going after his kin will be nothing fake. The best Uncle Joe hopes for is stand out the rest of his days in a plush psych ward, children's end. He is sicko.

