Hello, Anons.
This Q picture has recorded 2 forces of nature. Can you guess what they are? One, occurs twice every 24 hours on the THAMES RIVER. The other, occurs only once per MONTH and has been occurring for over 4 billion years. Both occurred after business hours for the 2 restaurant ships in the picture.
One is a HIGH TIDE.
The other, a particular phase of the MOON called “Waning Gibbous”.
We, in the UK thread, have the high tide recordings for 2013/2014. Why 2013/2014 for the TRAFIC CAMS/CORINTHIA HOTEL pics? Because a fatal traffic accident involving a motorcyclist striking a TRAFFIC BOLLARD occurred which is pictured in the Q Corinthia Hotel pics. We have the news account, pictures of a memorial at the scene, a coroner’s report and pics of a new collapsible traffic bollard.
5 months in Winter 2013/2014. A short time when the lunar phase can be observed during each of those 5 months. The average untrained naked human eye can detect lunar phase changes in a 15-hour time period.
5 months. 15 hours each. And did I mention we have the Thames tide recordings to compare?
Getting close, Anons.
Within 75 hours.