Anonymous ID: 54c7e6 July 12, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.9943061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Movie called Redemption with Jason Statham from 2013 is about a former Special Forces soldier turned drunken bum, who tries to find redemption by working for a Chinese crime gang to earn enough money to support his daughter. One of his jobs for the gang is to do a live count of trafficked children being kept in boxes inside a shipping container. Horrific scene they just blow past. Just another day on the job. Kids never rescued. The entire movie is the complete opposite of any sort of redemption. Hollywood essentially celebrating the worst in human nature. I saw it for free online.


Given the year it was released, 2013, that tells you for at least 7 years, Hwood knew about the world of human trafficking via cargo containers. There are plenty of other hard hitting films on the subject, with the plot being to go after the criminals and their wealthy elite backers and leaders. Taken and Man On Fire are but two examples. Redemption isn't one of those films.