we were nuked… Part1
So what split up all the races, from all the different locations from around the world??? That at one point in time, talked and shared things openly and evenly with each other and spoke a common language???
We had it all…7 wonders of the old world, doesn't even come close, to what we all had…. it was a true paradise where we were living in bliss…. smart as fuck… looking after the world, we'd inherited… free energy and free transportation…. we all looked after our children, giving them the best possible chance in life……. We were pretty fucking happy… so what???
NUKES…….. YEAH… NUCLEAR WINTER…. I shit you not.
In their defense… it wasn't meant to wipe the earth near clean…. yeah, they dropped it… but it had a bigger bang than expected… they pressed the button, in a fit of rage, while fighting among themselves… saw the devastation and wept (so the story goes)….
Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah… you know, the place, where the gods made a city vaporize…..Radio active death for years after…blah blah blah….. yeah, well that was just 1 of many places hit… over a slowly escalating war that… went too far with the last being a "whoops"… O…no…. fuck …shit….. ah o…. and a whole lot of regrets….WORLD WIDE FLOOD.(yes the Noah's spaceship with gene bank story)… But I'm a bit dubious as to whether they cried or not…lol..
So if we were all happy and peaceful with each other as humans…. who and why did a button get pressed?…. well it wasn't us humans, according to the Annunakki… it was them…. So why?
Now this bit ..I cant remember exactly, but the documentation exists and it's not that hard to follow, as Monarchy is familiar to most (king/queen etc)…
They came to this earth on a spaceship… the commander at the time (picard..lol) was named AnuAllah… he was the head of the team and was responsible for setting up and maintaining the mining/refining/shipping etc as well as establishing a home base etc… here on Earth…. there were other colonies/refineries on other planets too, but his job was just here ( I think).
Everything was going smooth as a peach, for many centuries…. and I mean MANY….those long lives in the bible…. 700 years plus etc… they weren't the lives of men… they were the Gods and the same list, but better is recorded in the Sumerian history… so yeah…. Anu/Allah lived for hundreds of our lifetimes….. and was loved and respected by all………But he died… yes, no one lives for ever….
The mound on Mars that "looks like a face" beside what looks to be pyramids… well… according to the Sumerians, when he died, they took his body to mars… which was their spaceport facility/ staging post, between earth and their home planet…( "Nubiru".. now you know where that word comes from)…and buried him under a mountain shaped with his features… His Memorial resting place.