Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 12:45 a.m. No.9945642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5676 >>5680 >>6145 >>6156

we were nuked… Part1


So what split up all the races, from all the different locations from around the world??? That at one point in time, talked and shared things openly and evenly with each other and spoke a common language???

We had it all…7 wonders of the old world, doesn't even come close, to what we all had…. it was a true paradise where we were living in bliss…. smart as fuck… looking after the world, we'd inherited… free energy and free transportation…. we all looked after our children, giving them the best possible chance in life……. We were pretty fucking happy… so what???


NUKES…….. YEAH… NUCLEAR WINTER…. I shit you not.

In their defense… it wasn't meant to wipe the earth near clean…. yeah, they dropped it… but it had a bigger bang than expected… they pressed the button, in a fit of rage, while fighting among themselves… saw the devastation and wept (so the story goes)….

Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah… you know, the place, where the gods made a city vaporize…..Radio active death for years after…blah blah blah….. yeah, well that was just 1 of many places hit… over a slowly escalating war that… went too far with the last being a "whoops"… O…no…. fuck …shit….. ah o…. and a whole lot of regrets….WORLD WIDE FLOOD.(yes the Noah's spaceship with gene bank story)… But I'm a bit dubious as to whether they cried or not…lol..

So if we were all happy and peaceful with each other as humans…. who and why did a button get pressed?…. well it wasn't us humans, according to the Annunakki… it was them…. So why?

Now this bit ..I cant remember exactly, but the documentation exists and it's not that hard to follow, as Monarchy is familiar to most (king/queen etc)…

They came to this earth on a spaceship… the commander at the time ( was named AnuAllah… he was the head of the team and was responsible for setting up and maintaining the mining/refining/shipping etc as well as establishing a home base etc… here on Earth…. there were other colonies/refineries on other planets too, but his job was just here ( I think).

Everything was going smooth as a peach, for many centuries…. and I mean MANY….those long lives in the bible…. 700 years plus etc… they weren't the lives of men… they were the Gods and the same list, but better is recorded in the Sumerian history… so yeah…. Anu/Allah lived for hundreds of our lifetimes….. and was loved and respected by all………But he died… yes, no one lives for ever….

The mound on Mars that "looks like a face" beside what looks to be pyramids… well… according to the Sumerians, when he died, they took his body to mars… which was their spaceport facility/ staging post, between earth and their home planet…( "Nubiru".. now you know where that word comes from)…and buried him under a mountain shaped with his features… His Memorial resting place.

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 12:54 a.m. No.9945676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5686


we were nuked… Part2

So What happens when the commander dies… and you are a fucking long way from home… Move on with the next in command…continue the mission.

But this is where things started to go pear shaped… There is a strict monarchy heritage that comes from the planet they lived on ( you Royals…lol… as soon as I looked at your lineage, I saw the exact same shit…lol) and to cut a long story short…

Anu was from 1 family lineage, close to the top of royalty.

The military officer was a close second (or 3rd)….The science officer was a close third (or 2nd)… Both had different mothers of different status, or something (meh.. it caused rivalry)

The medical officer…???……The Engineer…???

And so on down the list… things like that didn't bother me to remember BUT it meant the world to them…and it started some friction… add to it that the work crew had been here for many centuries and was restless…. meh…. You should be starting to get the picture…..SQUABBLING OVER BULLSHIT….Commander gone….Tension between the "gods"…. begins.


The Annunakki workers that were maintaining and running the equipment here on Earth, were sick of it… had worked for Centuries, with more centuries to come…. they weren't very happy with things.

The family tension between the science officer and military officer… as well as with the rest of crew, grew.

The Annunakki workers basically went on strike…lol…. I shit you not…Forced the science officer and the military officer and a few others… to at least start the process of finding a solution…Because basically, they felt like slaves…lol.

Guess what idea, they proposed?….Get the science officer, to make some "slaves"…lol…. If you want to know where hypocrisy comes from…. ta daaaa….lol.

So, yes you guessed it…. they certainly knew about genome experimentation…..So here's another period in our history, that explains where the "chimera" and gene splice animal legends come from…. Minotaur (half man, half bull).

They represent the experimentation with animal DNA and the "gods" DNA….(a very long and detailed story-short) …. they fucked around for a century or so till they got a good mix of animal??…Sasquatch???/god DNA…. to make a viable working human that they were happy with.. the right mix to work and be of service…. Stable mind and body.


Created in the likeness of the gods… in body, only smaller…. and…. in the likeness of GOD, because you can't create life without a soul…..On both levels, we are but a splinter of a larger mirror.

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.9945686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WAR ( from what I remember I've read.. the books do exist…Prob about 2-3 books worth in this story alone)


Why have we gone to war for centuries?…Simple answer…. No war has ever been started by humans… When the Commander Anu/Allah ruled, there was NO war… but he died and the shit began after that.


."The gods" are argumentative, pissy, squabbling arseholes, in among themselves… just look at all monarchies… always fighting over succession and the right to "govern over" someone…. Humans just don't give a fuck… we know we are all equal, with no one above the other…and it pisses us off, to see someone "lording" over another.

So the gods/startrek crew had very specific rules of engagement… One of them being, not fuck with each other ( no fighting among the crew)… but that left a small window open for some shenanigans… Technically you can't fight each other…but… what if you could use your population against a rival???….hmmmmm…. it didn't take much thinking before they put some plans in action, to piss off their rivals. Using guess who…humans… Small skirmishes, turned to full out unbridled wars, in not that much time at all…

The wars gained in ferocity, because now the …"gods/squabbling children"…decided, fuck it… lets go all in and start arming the armies with better weapons…. and…. fuck it, we can now bomb and strafe the shit out of our enemies armies now (as long as we don't shoot each other)…woo hooo….

Shits getting really real…lol… Whole armies can disappear in the blink of an eye now… Its recorded all around the world, from different perspectives… Death destruction, armies vaporized etc… A lot of planes and bombs etc…. Every religion has something that reins in the sky… comes from the sky… fly's in the sky… as well as other natural phenomena.

Some craft left vapor trails and some craft didn't… The Military commander had jets… most of the others had things that float and jets…lol…(science officer).


So here we have to bring a few names in…Enki (science officer)…and…Enlil (military commander)… 2 sort of half brothers.. different parents …yeah I should be able to remember family tree, have it somewhere but it just doesn't matter… the truth will be revealed… and it's their bullshit, not ours.


To expand upon the rival a little further, between Enki and Enlil…. we start to get into the creation story… That can be gone into with detail, but for now, lets just say ….

That the person responsible for creating us a little smarter…than the military commander wanted… was Enki…lol… Enlil didn't like that for many reasons, and they are well documented too.

So there's a little friction starting towards humanity, for no good reason at all.


So that's a quick run down of the wars before the flood… Escalating violence and bloodshed over centuries, " fighting in the name of gods"… because we were diligent workers that believed in our "local" god… with escalating tensions between warring factions, that ended in a button being pressed.on a very old bomb… the weapons used up to that stage had been developed here by Enki… and were lethal, but not world ending…. BUT…they did bring ordinance with them from their home world… it came with them on their space ship and was truly awesome in destructive ability… when you cross space, it's not good to find yourself with a knife, in a gun fight.

Long story short… someone got access to the big nuke and pressed the button… No one knew the destructive power it had been made to deliver… The reasons are varied and many as to why it lead to what happened… but… Who cares, it happened…..Those were the "pre flood wars"…

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 1:06 a.m. No.9945723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5737 >>5774 >>5866 >>6444



By the way ppl…. don't listen to this idiot…. our history is very easily gotten to….SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things to dig up….

OK there's solidified mud…. but when they re-established there society…

!. they built on some of the old sites….

@. it's mud and can be dug.

#. when the flood happened… they had no "manpower"…. so couldn't dig shit up.


There is EVERYTHING waiting for us.

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 1:15 a.m. No.9945769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5774


Snore…. divisive little turd aren't you…. did it help your cause…. no…. does it help anything…. nope….. Do I personally want anything to do with you…. nope.


Keep posting the stupid shit….. not sure what you are hoping to achieve…. but retards will be retards….click.

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.9945825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841

The inner voice… must be stilled.

There is a male aspect of the body… It is negative polarity.

There is a female aspect of the body… it is positive polarity.


With both these forces… it embodies the destructive/creative sides of humanity… It's about finding balance.

Anonymous ID: 9879aa July 13, 2020, 3:44 a.m. No.9946331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351 >>6418

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.


1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.



… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always





To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.




We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.


If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.


Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…