Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.9946711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

pb notable >>9945700 Payseur Digs

thx for data- keeping big pic on radar potentially


will add


cup of borgia=assasinate to gain/retain power

jesuit [SJ] loyola basque france- jewish roots?

jesuit, larget catholic order- present first and only pope, why?

KOMalta- sovereign (country-landless)

9-11 GB 1st visit [F] was to Spain to see Juan Carlos [JC]?

Monarchial Royal House:

Saxe Coburn GothaGermanic Protestant (american control via UK0

Hapsburg lineage>Catholic

WW1>Hapsburg weakened, SCG UK gained? Ottoman, Orthodox Russia reign ended?

WW2>Japan empire ended, China Ming weakened ready for Overthrow

Europe stage set for EEC, EU (socialism)


so at end of WW1, WW2 socialism in europe and WW took root, bolsheviks gained w/western alliance, bolsheviks took china, their enemy empire of japan defeated, macro-economy integrated largely with US.

dynasties largely gone, religious (islamic/ottoman, catholic/hapsburg, polish, orthodox/russia, east europe, Japanese empire, Chinese Ming dynasty)


Bolsheviks, US, Protestant Royal Houses?

Losers: All religions sans Protestant, All dynasties/empires, All Europe.

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:24 a.m. No.9946772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7126 >>7177

MOMENTUM — Trump gains 6 points in latest Zogby poll…

Posted by Kane on July 13, 2020 12:40 am


Biden leads President Trump by 7 points in the latest Zogby poll, a six-point drop since late May



Trump picked up points among voters over the age of 65 and shrunk the gap among both men and women, though Biden still leads in those categories. “This is a healthy lead for Biden at this point, but he has lost 6 points in advantage in the past few weeks,” veteran pollster John Zogby said in a press release.



“He previously had a 10-point lead among voters over 65 and this seems to have dissipated. The gender gap, once huge, is now about average. And in a significant troubling sign he leads among ‘Weekly Dollar Store Shoppers’ by only 4 points — 48%-44%. His lead among those who never shop at a Dollar Store is 63%-27%.”


The poll also found:


60% of 18- to 29-year-olds support Biden, while 26% support Trump.


Biden leads among both men (47% to 44%) and women (51% to 41%).


77% of Blacks are ready to vote for Biden, compared to 14% who say they would vote for Trump.


Biden and Trump are tied at 45% among 30- to 49-year-olds and voters over 65.


51% of white voters continue to support Trump, compared with 41% who say they would pick Biden.


Biden leads among Hispanics, 65% to 27%.


(always add 10% to potus me thinks- if not moar)

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:27 a.m. No.9946781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785 >>6800

Antifa goon hit with tear gas cannister to the face (bloody)…

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:28 a.m. No.9946790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney General William Barr said the FBI “definitely” wants to interview Prince Andrew about Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged fixer Ghislaine Maxwell — but that the investigation involving the late pedophile will proceed even without the royal’s cooperation, according to a report.


A source told the outlet that the feds asked Andrew for his cooperation in early January, and his lawyers responded by opening discussions about how he would provide the testimony.


They were left “slack jawed” when Berman later announced that Andrew had offered “zero cooperation,” according to ABC News, which reported that Audrey Strauss, the acting US attorney for the Southern District of New York, also has appealed for Andrew’s testimony.


A source close to Andrew told ABC News that his team has “twice communicated with the DOJ in the last month, and to-date, we have had no response.”


The prince is said to have been rattled by the recent arrest of Maxwell, Epstein’s alleged procuress, on charges that include alleged sex crimes in her London townhouse — where the prince has separately been accused by an Epstein “sex slave” of sleeping with her when she was 17, the Mirror has reported.


Andrew has forcefully denied the allegations.


It’s unclear whether Maxwell will cooperate with prosecutors, but at least one lawyer who represents several of her accusers has suggested that Andrew could be implicated if she does.


Attorney Gloria Allred said at a press conference Monday that the prince should speak with federal prosecutors in New York before Maxwell does.


Barr, meanwhile, told ABC News that he has asked those responsible for Maxwell’s safety while locked up at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn to relay “specifically the protocols they’re following, and we have a number of redundancy systems to monitor the situation.”

“Definitely the (Justice Department) wants to talk to Prince Andrew, that’s why the Southern District has been making efforts to communicate and to arrange an interview with him,” Barr said in an interview with ABC News.


“The department is communicating with him and made it clear that we’d like to interview him,” he added.


Federal prosecutors in the Big Apple have formally requested testimony from the Duke of York as part of the criminal probe into Epstein’s alleged co-conspirators, two sources familiar with the matter have told the outlet.


Ex-Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman last month criticized Andrew’s failure to cooperate with investigators.


“If Prince Andrew is, in fact, serious about cooperating with the ongoing federal investigation, our doors remain open, and we await word of when we should expect him,” said Berman, who stepped down after a standoff with the AG.


Andrew’s legal team insists that he has consistently offered to cooperate with the feds, saying last month in a statement that the prince had “on at least three occasions this year offered his assistance as a witness to the DOJ,” according to ABC News.


Epstein committed suicide in his Manhattan jail cell 11 months ago as he awaited trial on sex-trafficking charges.


“I believe very strongly in that case and I was very proud of the work done by the department, the Southern District, on that case,” Barr told ABC News.


“And as you will recall, after he committed suicide, I said that I was confident that we would continue to pursue this case vigorously and — pursue anyone who’s complicit in it,” he added. “And so I’m very happy that we were able to get Miss Maxwell.”


The former British socialite is scheduled for a remote detention hearing on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:35 a.m. No.9946826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden’s family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving — but no jail time


—Her arrest, which was never made public, was at least the ninth among Joe Biden’s close family, and followed incidents involving his brother Frank, his son Hunter and his daughter Ashley. The cases — ranging from felony theft to drug possession — were all either thrown out, or resulted in light sentences with no jail time, according to a Post review of public records and published reports.


—The Pennsylvania drunken-driving collar was the third run-in with the law for Caroline, who is the daughter of Joe’s younger brother, James Biden Sr. In September 2013, she was booked for allegedly hitting an NYPD officer during a full scale meltdown at her Tribeca apartment, following a dispute with a roommate over unpaid rent. The case was dismissed after Caroline agreed to anger management treatment.


—In 2017, she was busted for spending more than $110,000 on a stolen credit card. A felony conviction was later tossed, and she was allowed to re-plead to the lesser charge of petty larceny as part of a sweetheart deal negotiated by her attorneys. She avoided jail time.


—Biden’s campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo, when asked if Biden ever made phone calls to law enforcement on behalf of busted relatives, said, “No he didn’t, and this entire story is garbage.”


—The trouble for Ashley Biden, 39, started with a pot bust when she was a student at Tulane University in 1999. New Orleans police confirmed the possession arrest of the daughter of the then-Delaware senator, but no conviction was recorded in court records.


—Ten years later, during her father’s vice-presidency, video circulated showing a woman resembling Ashley snorting what appeared to be cocaine at a party. Joe Biden refused to comment on the reports, and there were no legal consequences.


A second misdemeanor arrest for the Biden daughter was reported in 2002 after she allegedly attempted to obstruct a police officer — making “intimidating statements” — after a bottle-throwing brawl outside a Chicago bar. The charges were dropped.


—Joe Biden’s brother, Francis ‘Frank’ Biden, 66, won the prize for the most bizarre Biden family bust when he allegedly stuffed two DVDs from a Florida Blockbuster down his pants in October 2003, cops said. He was 49 at the time. He never showed up for a scheduled court hearing on the attempted theft and the state attorney declined to prosecute, according to records obtained by the Miami New Times.


He had more serious scrapes with the law. He was pinched in August 2003 for drunk driving in Fort Lauderdale, earning six months probation. He was arrested a year later for driving with a suspended license but avoided jail again by spending three months in rehab. In 1999, Biden was a passenger in a car involved in a fatal drunk-driving accident. He was found partially liable for the death of 38-year-old William Albano, and owes his family almost $1 million dollars, according to the Daily Mail.


[equal justice under the law- good to point out to black that he voted to lock them up, while his family did not get locked up, imagine a chart showing black offense and penalties/jail time v biden family offene and penalties/no jail time)


full article-

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:40 a.m. No.9946842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6852 >>6972 >>7126 >>7177

bringing Flynn fear to the DS


Trump allies push for a new campaign opening act: Michael Flynn


After a prolonged battle against Robert Mueller's prosecutors, Flynn’s status in MAGA world as a deep state-fighting warrior has grown.


Four years ago, Michael Flynn, an intelligence officer with a three-decade military career, became a MAGA star introducing Donald Trump at raucous campaign rallies.


Now, after a prolonged battle against what Trump’s biggest supporters see as a rigged judicial system staffed by Obama-era bureaucrats, Flynn’s status as a deep state-fighting warrior has only grown. And with Flynn on the verge of potentially having criminal charges dismissed altogether, Trump allies are pushing the campaign to give Flynn the ultimate comeback: hitting the campaign trail for the president, according to nine people inside or close to the Trump campaign.


“Great surrogate — lots of people would come to see him,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Trump ally. “He’s the perfect example of deep state victimization. Pretty powerful.”


Three people affiliated with the campaign said they would welcome Flynn back — perhaps reprising his role as an opening act at Trump rallies or a TV surrogate — between now and Election Day, although a Trump campaign official said the campaign has not approached Flynn about taking a formal position.


The move would bring Flynn back to where it all started in 2016, but this time emboldened by his journey — from little-known campaign surrogate, to White House national security adviser, to indicted Russia probe target, to, potentially, the man who defeated Robert Mueller’s prosecutors.


Trump, struggling in the polls against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and concerned his reelection prospects could be slipping away, has already brought back a handful of loyalists from his successful campaign in 2016. But Flynn has become a right-wing cause célèbre like no other.


“Interesting suggestion,” said Tim Murtaugh, Trump campaign communications director. “Gen. Flynn is a great American.”


Flynn’s legal saga could reach its end point in the coming weeks after a federal appeals court panel in June ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss Flynn’s case. But Sullivan is taking the usual step of asking the full bench of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to review the panel’s decision first.



Flynn initially pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He later tried to withdraw his guilty plea, before the Justice Department moved to abandon its prosecution altogether at Attorney General William Barr’s urging.


Trump accuses the FBI of targeting Flynn as he seeks to discredit the broad inquiry into whether his aides colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election. The president has even mused about pardoning Flynn, saying he was “targeted in order to try and take down a president.”


“As far as Gen. Flynn, he’s a great hero, he’s a great gentleman,” Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News on Thursday night. “What they’re doing to that man, they destroyed that man, but he’ll come back. He’s going to come back.”


On Saturday, the president tweeted: "New documents just released reveal General Flynn was telling the truth, and the FBI knew it!"


It was immediately unclear what Trump was referring to.


An administration official said he wasn’t aware of any talk about bringing Flynn back to the White House. A person close to the White House joked that Trump always seems to bring back the same core group of loyalists, even those who had once fallen out of favor.


Some Trump allies warn that hiring Flynn, or even just adding him as a speaker at rallies, would create a needless controversy at a time when Trump is struggling to make up lost ground in national and battleground states.



“I don’t know that his abilities as a surrogate outweigh the controversy he would attract,” said one ally.


And while Flynn would almost immediately add a jolt to the campaign, energizing Trump’s conservative base, he could offend the college-educated suburban voters the president needs to win the election. Over the weekend, Flynn tweeted a video in which he used phrases linked to to the QAnon conspiracy movement, whose followers believe the U.S. government is run by pedophiliac elites and Trump is orchestrating a secret plot to take them down.


“If you’re a fan of Flynn, then you’re already part of the Trumpian base that believes the deep state is out to railroad Trump and his associates,” said Republican strategist Rob Stutzman. “Involving Flynn would just be one more tactic that seems solely focused on energizing Trump’s base instead of expanding it.”

(continued w/link)

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:52 a.m. No.9946893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.


some MilFags seem to be saying/confirming Q is highlighting 10th Mtn is full rogue, communist Exec Officers

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 5:59 a.m. No.9946919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


hopefully we will have a double boom SOON, a when appropriate for MAX Impact.

1- CDC removes CV from pandemic status-

A subjective decision but largely based upon fortality rate.

2- How many supposed deadly diseases does a person only know they have when they get tested?

3- Moar testing = Lower fatality rate = end of pandemic

4- FDA approves HCQ for CV, CDC supports?

5- Removal of Pandemic status take alot of emergency power away from Health Agencies who are largely comped, will allow potus and Barr to address constitutionality of measures (post pandemic)

Anonymous ID: 0e0265 July 13, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.9946937   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Sound familiar?

Wonder where they derived that idea from.

Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.

Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

That choice, to know, will be yours.