Has anyone ever seen a Payseur in the wild?
How would a SKY EVENT coincide with an EO? Wouldn't a SKY EVENT supersede it?
Sky Event?
C++ fag here, I couldn't anything much in the code. It's just too much effort to go through. Best you can do is find code comments and infer from the disassembly.
The problem with the idea is that, if we take the hypothetical as true (Hitman plus several other games to be used as an offline data dump/reveal in case of a DS internet killswitch), then why would you make it too cryptic?
Normies aren't going to run steganography algorithms on their PS4 screenshots. If this is true and not a pointless duck hunt shill tactic, then there has to be something that is easily accessible in-game.
Canniphiledurer has a strange ring.