Been thinking about what I read earlier, that GEOTUS had dinner last night with Alan Dershowitz, the Constitutional law professor, Constitutional Law attorney, and a well known liberal, but not a leftist. Dershowitz came out with a statement condemning the break-in (Well they did have a warrant and subpoena, but we’ve learned that even FISA warrants are easy to come by against anything connected to DJT) at attorney Cohen’s office, house and hotel room.
The MSM isn’t acting like it’s any big deal, but taking papers out of an attorney’s office is a HUGE deal, since we are talking attorney-client privileged material. It’s basically a sacrosanct line that just isn’t crossed, unless there is strong probable cause that the attorney was involved in serious criminal activities, and would almost require the client(s) to be involved also, because it is the client (in this case the GEOTUS) who holds the privilege, not the attorney.
What we have here, is a major Constitutional controversy, on several points beyond the fact that they did this to the sitting POTUS’ personal attorney! I could go on, but GEOTUS doesn’t have dinners with liberals who don’t really support him for no reason. He will appeal to Dershowitz’s vanity, “the biggest case of your life, representing the POTUS,” and ask him if he will represent him in the Cohen matter. The case could end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, a place Dershowitz has appeared before on numerous occasions. Expect to hear it announced in the next day or two.