This is all a show.
Only country to benefit from chemical false flag in Syria is IRAN.
Countries Trump is talking about: Russia, Syria and IRAN.
This is all theater for removal of Mullahs.
Literally ALL Iran's enemies including the biggest players in the GCC just met with Trump, May and Macron.
Iran is about to be liberated.
This is NOT about Syria.
He's essentially saying that the Iranian regime is about to be taken out.
Did lynch do the TV interview?
A voice of reason and logic.
There is no need for a Hillary sex tape.
She may be nailed for corruption on tape.
The sex tape narrative is deception and now the left has fallen for it.
This anon gets it.
None of that makes any strategic sense.
It plays to what you want to happen, not what is best to happen.
What Hillary desires most is power and her drug is scooping up money while doing no work and ordering other people around.
The slow burn of what is happening now is killing her and making those around her, turn on her.
The slow take away of ALL her power and credibility is literally how you would do the most damage and the most torture to Hillary.
This is being done in a way that she must be thinking, when?
It would surprise me if she didn't off Bill soon to draw sympathy.
It's her only move left.
Make it look like he suicided.
She would have to do it herself though.
The images of Hillary in India falling down the concrete steps were possibly a message.
Launch the nukes or Huma's listening device recordings that we have the blackmail with will be released.
It failed because Pakistan, Iran and NK have lost their nuclear arsenals.
Looks like Iran's count of resources just got lighter.
Why India?
India is a nuclear power.
The deep state turned to them as a last resort once they lost access to nukes in Pak, NK and Iran.
Indians said no.
This was after China said no nukes to Deep State as well. Notice Obama went there.
We will find out.