On the Cohen Raid
Not sure if it was mentioned previously but Dilley retweeted pic related yesterday about the Cohen raid. He claims that Cohen actually had the affair with Stormy and then billed Trumps campaign for the $130k in violation of election / campaign law.
Skip to 6 min mark in his periscope to hear his theory:
https:// www.pscp.tv/w/1zqJVrRWMYPJB
Dilley retweeted this:
https:// twitter.com/TT45Pac/status/983731303081099264
Dilley twitter:
https:// twitter.com/TheRealHublife
In my mind it adds weight to the pic Cohen himself tweeted of himself with Clinton & Kennedy in 2014:
https:// twitter.com/MichaelCohen212/status/482250881396916227