Yeah. Team up and nuke the fuck out of Jerusalem and London. All problems solved.
Here's the deal anons. Trying to explain the truth to normies is difficult. Normally they are unwilling to listen. So, let's just copy what POTUS is doing. Remember last week when Q told us that there was a traitor who leaked that POTUS was not a criminal target in the Mueller investigation? Several in the media began asking questions. But, conveniently enough, there was an fbi [raid] that occurred a few days later. Now, the opposition has completely forgotten about the leak and are once again 100% back behind the Mueller investigation. There is a reason that Q put [raid] in brackets. It's the same reason that Q asked us "Why did Rosenstein [beg] Paul Ryan not to release the memo?" The reason that there are brackets is because these events are fake. We were told there would be misinformation from past reliable sources. Sara Carter and Gregg Jarrett have learned to play President Trump's game. If we can't get the truth across the normal people, then we have to lead them into learning the truth on their own. Less than a year ago, the opposition hated Jeff Sessions. But now, they are all defending him. All the opposition knows how to do right now is resist. It doesn't matter what the POTUS does, they support the opposite. If POTUS threatens to fire Rosenstein and Mueller, then the opposition defends them. This is our task!! We need to hit up twitter and call for the removal of Rosenstein and Mueller. The more opposition support of these two, the better. There is a reason that POTUS met with Mueller the day before he was appointed. There is a reason Q hasn't said anything negative about Mueller or Rosenstein. Mueller is a Marine Captain and decorated combat veteran. Rosenstein only had 6 senators vote against his confirmation. Sessions, on the other hand, barely got through. This is the real reason why Sessions recused himself. Had he made the appointment of Mueller, it would have come across as too partisan. So, back to what I was saying. POTUS appears to be going off script when he starts complaining about how unfair Rosenstein is being. But he's not off script. He is tricking the opposition into wanting to defend Rosenstein. The opposition has been led to believe that the entire special counsel is partisan, biased, and out to get POTUS. Of course, they won't admit this, but this is why they are supporting it. So now, whatever evidence of crimes from the Obama Administration that is presented will have to be accepted 100%. They will have no choice but to believe it. Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Dan Bongino, and everyone else have learned to play the game. It's simple. Attack all of the people that Q has told us to trust. This will make the opposition support our allies without them knowing it!
Consider this. Cher, who is a radical leftist and someone who called Jeff Sessions every name in the book, had a tweet earlier threatening to take to the streets if POTUS fired him. Because POTUS attacked Sessions, the leftists now like him. It's all an act. We have to make the opposition support everyone in the Special Counsel and the DOJ. Seriously, Admiral Rogers vetted everyone who is involved in the plan. There is no way that Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller would be in their positions if they weren't helping.
Q asked what Mueller's military background was and why it's important. He's a Marine Captain and decorated combat veteran. That's not the resume of someone who would betray his country during one of the most crucial moments in history. Then last week, Q said that there was a traitor who leaked that POTUS wasn't a criminal target in the Mueller investigation. Q has never said anything negative about Mueller. The fbi [raid] was fake. It was a way to regain control of the narrative that POTUS was being investigated. Now the opposition is 100% back behind Mueller and have forgotten about the leak. The plan is clearly working.
Just checked. I found nothing. Clearly they are just trying to get ahead of the real story. Even more confirmation that the plan is real and they are afraid. They are just counting on the fact that most people won't actually check for themselves.
It's just really difficult to get this across to the people who are new and unwilling to go back and re-read the crumbs from months ago. This is why Q always says to read the past crumbs. There are ZERO negative posts about Mueller. So many people constantly rip the guy. It's so annoying. If they can't figure out the overall plan after 5.5 months of Q posts, then they probably won't ever figure it out. Rosenstein, Mueller, and Sessions are all working for POTUS. Sun Tzu tactics are being used. There are no internal conflicts between them. When POTUS complains about Rosenstein, it makes the leftists support him. Now, they have to believe him when he presents evidence of treason from Obama and Hillary. Same goes for Mueller.