hawt damn this has my jimmies roasting something awesome lads.
nice trips but I honestly think he didnt understand his mistake and was trying to be edgy. cmon as if none of us ever started out in such a way, give the newfag a break.
hawt damn this has my jimmies roasting something awesome lads.
nice trips but I honestly think he didnt understand his mistake and was trying to be edgy. cmon as if none of us ever started out in such a way, give the newfag a break.
just remember this is MusicAnon
and i moderate this
so put that in yer pipe and smoke it
you have no idea ho toxic they are, or what theyve been up to at Ft Detrick
Imagine if you will, a bioweapon so deadly it kills 98 percent of those infected, made from a chimeral of smallpox, airborne H3N2 influenza, and silver haired bat rabies, derived from SNAKE VENOM.
sweet dreams, cupcake.
thats mister idiot to you and im here to protect that child of yours.
Michael Belkin of The Refusers lost his daughter to the Hep-B vaccine.
What I'm suggesting is why the latest CDC employee was found floating in a river - the truth that the shot is causing the disease, same truth in cancer (RIP dr Andrew Moulden) and so many other areas.
the genocidal bioweapon will be unleashed via vaccine. read Behold a Pale Horse chapter Anatomy of an Alliance
>http:// www.hourofthetime.com/wordpresstest/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/William_Cooper-Behold_a_Pale_Horse1991A.pdf
all good meng. sleep well and know you are not alone. we go big or not at all. imagine for me what its like to think all those years of working in the rock record biz rubbing elbows with some of these degenerates. i really dont want to think about it.
they all hate me now, btw. thank goodness im on my own and never signed a contract.
Kevin Gilbert didnt sign one either.
The Shaming of the True.
My name is Johnny Virgil….
is there any other standpoint? cmon man this is 8chan. wake up newfag or go home.
preaching to the choir mate.
ive been at this since the year 1988 when I learned the hard way about the agendas of the deep state. working ever since so others do not find out the same way I did.
as i said before, you are forgiven.
but let this be a lesson.
one of many.
you can experience it vicariously as I raise a shot of very expensive and refined añejo tequila, bathed in a shotglass made exclusively out of himalayan salt.
this just gave me a giant boner.
yeah, i know. but its fun to pretend.
chekd and kekd
yeah we are friends and communicate often. he doesnt like my flat-earth craziness and we argue often on those terms. otherwise I think he is spot-on, just counseled by jesuitical "experts" he sadly puts faith in not having time of his own to do the research on, thus trusting in his "advisors"
you need to put the crackpipe down and step away from the keyboard, we have you surrounded.
ETs are of this earth, no where else, otherwise theyd have a different name. Learn etymology.
I call em CRITTERS because they are descendants of SATAN and his 21 buddies who arrived on Mount Hermon (think Paramount logo in movies). Think descnedants of CAIN betrothed of the SERPENT Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 (KJV)
the only space that exists is that which is between your ears. if you think space is real then i have a bridge on mars to sell you cheap, i'm having a blowout sale, since you believe anything you are told. turn off the television, stop drinking fluoride and go out into the world and learn something you stupid fucking faggot.
im gonna go ahead and guess that Epstein knew he was busted so he spent $29 mil not noly sealing up the tunnels mut triggering them for detonation once he was clear so that just before the US Army Corps of Engineers arrived to survey the property… BOOM. Destroy the evidence. Or at least. attempt to. THEY HAVE IT ALL