Logic and reason does nothing to people in a state of delusional psychosis, and most leftists exhibit at the very least a mild form of psychosis. In the end, it's not them we have to reach. It's the normal people who are indifferent towards politics but are otherwise intelligent and open to new ideas. After they've been successfully reached, the shrieking minority of leftists online can go pound sand as they'll have no power left. At that point, they'll either shut up or be thrown in a mental facility/prison because the majority will recognize what they're doing and have 0 tolerance for their horseshit.
Probably by illegally monitoring someone who unintentionally knows the future. Isn't that what all you cunts do?
Deltas are almost never what we think they're going to be, just sayin'.
It's almost like the people who feel the need to perpetually remind everyone about how not-racist they are in reality are actually incredibly racist.
Didn't another actor from this show disappear off a boat just a few days ago?
Glee came out when I was in high school, always thought it was faggy and lame as fuck. No surprise these people are probably offing themselves/getting offed.
Of course not, you bigot.
I've never been a part of this world, many here likely haven't. I'm only hoping there's a place for me in the next one.
A sea of NY plates coming soon to a red state near you. My city's filled with CA, NY, IL and NJ plates now and my theory is [they're] collapsing these states intentionally so all the shit blue staters will descend on the rest of us like a plague of locusts. Watched it happen to TX and CO, now they're doing it to FL, AZ, ID, MT ect. The "trust me i totally won't vote democrat :DDDD" blue staters are not to be trusted.