Anonymous ID: f8f1f3 July 13, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9948997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anyone else notice the ^only^ thing conservative talking heads are doing is talking about what "the left" is doing?


They scream and rant about what the left is doing…then segue into lecturing us about how we should be good citizens and "wear the mask"!


I think we're being placated …NOBODY is talking about the truth of the matter…the facts, the numbers …just a lot of screeching about what the left is doing!


WHY aren't "Conservative" politicians and talking heads saying things like:


"Gov. Abbott's mask mandate is NOT a law! The Gov. doesn't have the authority to decree law"


WHY aren't Conservative politicians talking about the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquin or Budesonide (the generic for Pulmacort) with an antiviral?


WHY aren't Conservative talking heads DEMANDING Hydroxychloroquine be made available as an over the counter option?


Flood the market with chloroquine and / or tell people about Budesonide and ALL of this hysteria GOES AWAY! OVER NIGHT! It goes away!


The fact that, THAT is no happening is painting a very stark picture in my mind!