well if Q team ever acts…..
our country doesn't care and worse still our government needs these soldiers to kill themselves because they know to many evils the government committed and does not want their stories out
soldiers are killing themselves because they internalized what should have been externalized
shows how strong propaganda and cool kids mentality is /works
if the warrior trained and specialized for combat can't handle it, what are you the pretend warrior going to do? nothing
Sad, I appreciate loyalty, but it is not loyal to die and take your truth to the grave so the next brainwashed kid can play patriot only to find out he was used and discarded for the elite.
rinse and repeat
good men stand idle, government and evil mobilize the masses to their own demise
can you call these guys warriors?
they leave their children on the battlefield causing great pain to not feel the pain they could cause if they were truthful
pay your taxes
feed the beast
starve your family
sure sounds like winning
I am tired of winning so much
20 X + a day