Anonymous ID: 26cfc1 July 13, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.9950381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7-13-20, Silent Majority Will Reign


Key element of 'Silent Majority' is show on election day in 'Silent' booths proving we stand 'Majority' as per the sanctity of our Constitution. Our vote counts. We pick our representatives to be our spokespersons. It is a degree of democracy (little d) at work in our Great Republic (capital R). Then for duration, over term, we expect our mouthpieces to speak for us.


Astoundingly new and most refreshing, these past, going on 4 now, our voice has been heard louder and clearer, at lest in our lifetime and perhaps ever. Our mouthpiece, POTUS 45, is excellent speaking as one of us, our ground level common lingo. He has thrown asunder the vial nature of cruel and inhumanly mean diplomacy, stumped all over haughty and the would-be-mighty-sophisticated butchering nothing less than, We, The People. Silent Majority has been nothing but Silent these past four. He speaks, We Speak. Make no mistake. For a day, 11.3.20 we will become Silent again. Then we shall roar as NEVER EVER before. The Man-Date will be jubilant for us and utter ruin for the others. Lock-her-up, lock-them-up will instantly grow large chomping teeth. Be ready Barr. HEAR US ROAR.


Q has spoken of 'Silent Majority' little, mostly adding 'no more.' Q favorite reference to 'silent' is 'silent war'. Though first used Nov of 17, Q has favored it most from this Jan through April. Since then he has gone silent, on the nature of war in America. POTUS 45 never favored 'Silent Majority' only picking it up this past June 2nd in Q related twits. Since then, he has used it about a dozen times. So Q goes silent on 'silent war' and Trump is no longer silent on Silent Majority. This forms a bit of a transitioning similar from dark to light. Over duration the enemy has become vociferous with riots and destruction. Stone commuted and Flynn case has been anything but silent. Rudy stirs Ukraine once more.


Not well appreciated, the enemy is hidden, their deeds: trafficking, blackmailing, thieving, murdering, dealings. They hide. Do they celebrated the murder of SR? They hide even from themselves. Do they even see the decimation in their ranks since they really do not know their ranks? The war against them has been long and Silent. We do not know their losses, but then they do not know them either, and they are quick to lie and bluff… which only takes them so far, about thus far. Not so with Silent Majority, we know our defeats and Victories. We get to celebrate, for our deeds are good, right, proud and exceptional.


To Trump, we rally energizing his heart and spirit, quickening his wit. We rally on hi and by ways. I dare DARE, if we knew path, we would rally beneath his flight. He is our voice, loud and clear, never forgotten.  When he shows to accept nomination, I plan to rally. A 10 mile fence may keep us 10 miles out, but there, our voices will be heard. I'll gladly rally 10 mile deep. We'll roar over any ten. We will be heard. None will rein us in. Regardless of rain, we will reign, BOSS OF AMERICA.