"The National Action Network is headquartered in Harlem, New York and has regional offices in Washington, D.C.., Atlanta and Los Angeles. It currently has over 105 chapters in cities around the nation." Wikipedia
This is how they clean the money. 105 chapters of NAN throughout the US.
>If we r to dig on NAN…
>all of the NAN chapters file taxes separately from Sharptons main NAN. they are all under diff names (I'm assuming, just looking into CA NAN, it's under diff name)
>What needs to be done is each chapter needs to be found on dos or irs, or gov site within that chapters state, then dig on their tax records.
>This needs to be done for every NAN chapter.
>Then compile all tax records together, and see how much money there is per year, in total of all NAN chapters.
>Need help from other diggers…
>all of the NAN chapters file taxes separately from Sharptons main NAN. they are all under diff names (I'm assuming).
>What needs to be done is each chapter needs to be found on dos or irs, or gov site within that chapters state, then dig on their tax records.
>This needs to be done for every NAN chapter. And the compile all tax records together, and see how much money there is per year, in total of all NAN chapters.
>The issue was we were looking into just the NAN that had sharptons name. Needed to look into ALL the NANs, that weren't under Sharptons name. Over 100 chapters of NAN throughout the state. Need digging.
>Compile all tax years per chapter, how much money will we get in total?