Until Sessions changes his stance on maryjane, he can eat a bag of shit.
No, the government and big pharma/big tobacco can fuck off too.
It should be decriminalized and taken off the books before they can get their rubbing merchant hands into it.
They act like criminals only sell mj, kek nope.
Drug dealers tend to deal multiple substances so they can still be taken down for heroin, coke, meth, any of the hard shit with chems in it but just leave the plant alone and let the people have something for once.
Then so much for the Constitution and the pursuit of freedom, liberty, and happiness.
Apparently the American dream shall remain just a dream since you have to be asleep to attain it.
Or super fucking rich.
As for taxes - Article I of the Constitution.
Welp, guess it's still being shit on too.
I think there was a place that actually did that and it showed crime rate went down. Maybe Nicaragua or something, not sure.
>Arrest violent people that hurt others.
That was the one.
>Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
Going by that, one could say it's a nightmare.
Agree on both accounts, kek.