Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.9953492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you always make violent images.

why don't you do something like a forest scene, or flowers budding?

that is much more likely to happen everyday.

but you go for the cheep lightning effect. I think you got stuck. I will pray for you to become unblocked.

Trump is awesome!

Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.9953634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3649 >>3762


punk was conformism. the did just what the record company wanted them to do.

it was them selling out: both their acts and their bodies. And it was death.

nothing to be proud of, sorry. get over it, music industry people were often just high end prostitutes and/or drug dealers or smugglers with little or no talent except that they were easy.

Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.9953693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3737


if you were not at the clubs either in LA or London, and then later in Manhattan, it was just records.

Of course there were those who did try to make something that was veyr different. And that was a welcome break from the sad sap love ballads of despair that were so popular in the early 1970s'. So you had a few maverick true believers who were authentic. And then hundreds and hundreds of posers who were great musicians, and really couldn't pull off the punk thing. They just didn't have the soul for it.

so ya, there were so great real punk musicians who were that. But too many who were just doing a gig for pay check, putting on make up, doing an act. They would have just as happily been the piano lounge guy at some Montauge golf course way down at the end of the highway . . .

Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9953801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

people who want to erase history and rip down memories that other people need to understand should reconsider.

whatever dude.

Real people were really there doing real things and having a life.

and you weren't there.

so what is the problem with other people remembering it?

If we don't remember it, it repeats itself.

and when I say 'great punk' I mean that they really told the club owners to fuck themselves andmaybe even tried to burn the club down in a rage of artistic passion in discust at the horidness of the music industry, which was the spirit of punk.

so whatever, live in your strange color meme world with your lurching posed doll graphics.

And I will try to recollect real people, to discuss them, so that others can learn and not make the same kind of horid mistakes.

Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9953951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3980 >>3989



how hard is it to understand:

if there were ill meant, and harm to be imagined, that would a bad thing for someone at which it were directed, the effect would be null.

any such ill intention would go back to the person.

that is almost a clinical diagnoisis for the effects of saying bad things to people.

so you say 'oh, it's a song'.

whatever it's a song.

but what I said is still a valid description of the effect of it if it were meant to make people feel creepy and to cause distress.

so well that means that we have no conflict, so, ya, dude, it's a song. but some of us don't know it and also why does that make it not a curse because the curse comes from the person not the song? if the person meant it that way.


I just describe what I see as the way it is, you can hide behind the idea of 'its a song'.


Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.9954040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4070


There are forces at work here who do not succeed.

the affirmative voice saying 'what you say is nonsense' puts a pin into the inflations so that they pop and go BOOM.


don't be so touchy. What are you so worried about?

that posting cringey lyrics might actually give you a boom-harrang?

if you didn't mean harm or fowl then why would what I say, a description in a an everyman kind of way of seeing things, about when someone tries to intend ill on others through fowl words, images, songs, curses, or other types of hazing and scolding. It is a lot like the shills do. all they do is badger and say fowl things and try to sow discomfort.

they flip out when I calmly just describe their behavior. Or mention consequences. They like to imagine as if there are no consequences for imagining horid things to happen on others, and trying to cast spells through pictures, colors, and types of automatic process badgering.


but you're not like that, right anon?

how would I know.

Anonymous ID: 32bcb1 July 13, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.9954105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4127



only if you feel you are the things that I scold about.

plus what does it matter what I think if I am wrong?

but then at the end you do the reveal using a title as if it's a scold.

So I am a clam dispatcher of wisdom and malarky. and people who think for themselves can see when I am wise and also when I'm a bit over whelmed by the constant tide of fowl idgit posting botnick types.

and I might get a bit sharp.


but you call me a title that is for a man of honor and high standing, as if it's a slur.

so that tells me the world about you.

but you do it mostly to provoke so I can for give you easier for doing it. if you had a strong teacher you might have been able to make wiser choices in your life, then to just pejoratate the titles of others, and not see good people who are there, but just the delusions that you make up in your mind.


so you, go get your self a teacher.

and maybe someday you can be a teacher too.