Still need a baker, baker?
#12737 @200, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953638, >9953692
>>9953460 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953511 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953550 Baker Change
#12737 @400, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953638, >9953692
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639 Planefag Reports
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
#12737 @450, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953638, >>9953696
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639, >>9953681 Planefag Reports
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
>>9953670 Trump administration deep-sixes 'Deep State' cash bonuses, cancelling annual awards for career federal government executives
>>9953700 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
>>9953730 GiuffreTestimony re: Trump and Epstein refuting MSM smears
#12737 @500, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953654, >>9953696
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639, >>9953681 Planefag Reports
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953636 Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
>>9953861 Baker change
>>9953670 Trump administration deep-sixes 'Deep State' cash bonuses, cancelling annual awards for career federal government executives
>>9953700 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
>>9953730 GiuffreTestimony re: Trump and Epstein refuting MSM smears
#12737 @600, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953654, >>9953696
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639, >>9953681, >>9953942 Planefag Reports
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
>>9953861 Baker change
>>9953636 Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System
>>9953700 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
>>9953730 GiuffreTestimony re: Trump and Epstein refuting MSM smears
>>9953946 Greitens and his friend perform life-saving measures on 2 shooting victims in Midtown St. Louis
>>9953978 Ellen questioned for Wayfair partnership amid conspiracy theory
>>9953999, >>9953670 Trump administration deep-sixes 'Deep State' cash bonuses, cancelling annual awards for career federal government executives
#12737 @650, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953654, >>9953696
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639, >>9953681, >>9953942 Planefag Reports
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
>>9953861 Baker change
>>9953636 Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System
>>9953700 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
>>9953730 GiuffreTestimony re: Trump and Epstein refuting MSM smears
>>9953946 Greitens and his friend perform life-saving measures on 2 shooting victims in Midtown St. Louis
>>9953978 Ellen questioned for Wayfair partnership amid conspiracy theory
>>9953999, >>9953670 Trump administration deep-sixes 'Deep State' cash bonuses, cancelling annual awards for career federal government executives
>>9954036 Sounding a ‘Distress Signal,’ Lightfoot Warns Chicago is Falling Behind on Census Response
Post notes for #12735 next bred please, anons!
#12737 @FINAL, >>9953410, >>9953632, >>9953654, >>9953696
>>9953428, >>9953467, >>9953497, >>9953513 Fifty women are suing Salesforce, alleging the company profited by helping Backpage to engage in sex trafficking.
>>9953456 Poll: 90 Percent of Evangelicals Support Donald Trump’s Re-Election
>>9953460, >>9953614 Biomechanical Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement in Kansas
>>9953511, >>9953617, >>9953636 Chinese virus Wave 2
>>9953525 Two Days After a Criminal Ambushes and Kills Two Texas Cops, Austin Slashes Its Police Budget
>>9953554, >>9953639, >>9953681, >>9953942 Planefag Reports
>>9953611 Ghislaine Maxwell tried to flee when FBI raided her $1M New Hampshire hideaway and had a phone wrapped in tin foil 'in misguided effort to avoid detection'
>>9953618 James Woods Reports
>>9953642 Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack
>>9953861 Baker change
>>9953636 Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System
>>9953700 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
>>9953730 GiuffreTestimony re: Trump and Epstein refuting MSM smears
>>9953946 Greitens and his friend perform life-saving measures on 2 shooting victims in Midtown St. Louis
>>9953978 Ellen questioned for Wayfair partnership amid conspiracy theory
>>9953999, >>9953670, >>9954064 Trump administration deep-sixes 'Deep State' cash bonuses, cancelling annual awards for career federal government executives
>>9954036 Sounding a ‘Distress Signal,’ Lightfoot Warns Chicago is Falling Behind on Census Response
>>9954075 Why Rich New Yorkers Are Causing Big Problems for the Census
Post notes for #12735 next bred please, anons!
Save notes for next bred anons!