Sounding a ‘Distress Signal,’ Lightfoot Warns Chicago is Falling Behind on Census Response
Mayor Lori Lightfoot warned Monday that Chicago was falling short in responding to the 2020 census, threatening millions of dollars in federal aid to the city.
Approximately 55% of Chicagoans have already responded to the census, but that is “not even close to where we need to be,” Lightfoot said, giving the response a letter grade of C — something she said she would never have been satisfied with as a student. “We have to aim higher.”
In some South and West side neighborhoods, the response rate is 40%, Lightfoot said.
Lightfoot budgeted $2.7 million last year for census “outreach, education and mobilization” to boost the city’s response rate. In October, Lightfoot said she wanted to ensure that 75% of Chicago’s residents are counted. Chicago risks losing $1,400 per year for the next decade for each person missed during the census.