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Emerging Insights for Better Delivery of Chemicals and Stem Cells to the Brain
>Recently a“transcribrial route”has been proposed,(6) which is designed todeliver drugs and stem cells into the brain by choosing the deeper and uppermost part of the nasal cavity close to the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.N. A. Khan and colleagues have recently highlighted the significance of this deeper intranasal route in the treatment of the brain infection caused by Naegleria fowleri. This area is known to be the only region in the human body where the subarachnoid space containing CSF and the cerebral part of the CNS is so close to the atmosphere. This route and a delivery device was originally proposed for patients affected by meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria fowleri by Baig AM & Khan NA in 2014 and later was put forward to deliver stem cells to the CNS in neurodegenerative diseases.(6) This proposal and the device design have not been tested in humans, but could prove beneficial in stem cell transplantation in Alzheimer’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders of the brain.
>It appears thatthe drug delivered by transcribrial route would bypass the BBB by directly reaching the CSFof the subarachnoid space in this region. Additionally,nanoparticles mediated drug delivery(2) given by this route(6) stands a possible chance to get dissolved in the CSF and reach the neural tissues, as radioactivetracers injected into the CSF have been reported to reach olfactory bulbs.Once mixed with the CSF, the drug could reach the rest of the CNS by following the rule of diffusion.
Nanoparticle-mediated brain drug delivery: (2016); Overcoming blood-brain barrier to treat neurodegenerative diseases
Designer's microglia with novel delivery system in neurodegenerative diseases
>Also proposed is a method of delivering these cells after SCNT to the brain by a novel "transcribrial route" through a device that can deliver cells to the brain across the cribriform plate of ethmoid bone.