>[note: who wears a mask and who does not]
Well, that didn't age well.
>America be China naow
>Chimerica numba wan!
The post.
Looks like the pic was taken at the WH, not some public gathering.
I guess pandering is all the rage now though, it's election season after all.
Honk honk.
Not about being butthurt, faggot.
It's about leaders not leading and kowtowing to a faux pandemic.
<hurr, all these niggers in media are really agents that will be arrested as deep cover agents yet we're going to keep allowing them to spew their shit
Keep moving the goalposts though.
At this rate, Hillary and Hussein could still be walking free for the next 10 years and faggots will be like "it's all part of the plan."
>Federal Reserve must stay because it's woven into the fabric of America and would crash everything
>You do understand it's a private banking cartel?
Top kek.
Cool, so because the cartel went untouched for so long and got its tentacles into every facet of life, people are forced to stay with it.
That's great thinking. /s
It's just the NWO, folks.
Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all be fine.
The Satanic cult has woven its way into the fabric of America and simply dismantling will mean the destruction thereof.