>Sharpton is a target because something is about to be revealed that will put Sharpton and his ties to BLM into the spotlight, in a negative way.
But nobody ever says what that is or might be.
Kinda weird.
>Sharpton is a target because something is about to be revealed that will put Sharpton and his ties to BLM into the spotlight, in a negative way.
But nobody ever says what that is or might be.
Kinda weird.
Ayo hol up.
You said something is about to be revealed.
Yet, never gibs moar details.
Kinda weird.
Howdy neighbor.
astute cap for a moran
Nobody will expound upon what is about to be revealed about Sharpton that's so urgent now.
Kinda weird.
kek I ride the Carondelet bus with that guy!
>always nice when the Hollywood Minute Anon stops by
Damn she can put your eye out with those things.
Would have been a lot cooler if you got trip 7 digits.
butterface big mad now
@EntheosShines has that many in a day.
A lot moar South Side Hoosiers than I ever woulda thunk.
poast milf saggies psycho dr tammy
No need to try if the endchan niggers would say what it is since they supposedly know already.
There was also one time he was doing a live stream when Q dropped - the comment caps posted here at the time were kekelicious.
Digg what you want no issues on my end.
It was stated that something big will soon be revealed about Sharpton.
But, no details on what that is or sauce on how they know.
Kinda weird.