Bye bye swamp rat Paul Ryan
If he is stepping down, my guess is they are letting him go. That's been the dynamics for the Reps and Senators is to show them their dirty business and agree to keep it quiet in exchange for them just leaving
Trump is referring to NoName
Yep exactly!
We know NoName is involved in the Syria attack because Q was posting stuff about NoName and Syria right when it happened.
Thats what I figured. Some anon said he previously did it, and I felt like I would remember something that big
Cohen can still very much be a white hat. There could have been some important evidence vital to the storm in Cohens office wink wink
>Cohen knew about the fire in Trump Tower to warn his friend. Think about that - No evac was in place.
If we are assuming Cohen either did the fire, or at minimum knew it was going to happen, what would be the reason for it? To get stuff out of his hotel/office? And Trump does the raid 2 days later?
>"you're watching a movie" lol…….
>Nunes/Rosentein/Wray are all actors in the play.
Im enjoying every single minute of the movie! Same with everytime Trump feigns fake outrage at Mueller. Mueller isnt going to frame Trump. Trump isnt worried one bit
>They did send in Secret Service into the Tower
Going with SS being pro-Trump, or anti-Trump?
Very weird question, but if there is HRC video out there, is HRC messing with a boy or a girl? I honestly dont know if female pedo's go for boys or other girls
Trey Gowdy for SOH! Would be nice
I think I'm still on your same thoughts. I am not even yet convinced there was an attack at all
The past few days have been pretty quiet for the Sessions = SES shills that slide the board nonstop. And Flat Earth anon has been gone for awhile
He doesnt hide it well