"This is a Titanic, tectonic shift."
Siren: Paul Ryan confidants say he's not running again
"This is a Titanic, tectonic shift."
Siren: Paul Ryan confidants say he's not running again
New POTUS Tweet
Related earlier tweet?
Space before C
Later filled in with (except Rosenstein who signed FISA & Comey Letter)
Last bread anons mentions space before C was [ ] killbox
Is this RR out?
Doug Schoen has been on Hannity a lot as well as other Fox shows and Fox Bus.
It is correct he was a democrat but vocally denounced HRC.
Russia-linked account pushed fake Hillary Clinton sex video
A pornographic video that falsely claimed to show Hillary Clinton
engaged in a sex act has been traced back to an account that Reddit
acknowledged on Tuesday is linked to Russiaโ Internet Research Agency.
POTUS tends to say "good man"about those that needed to be shown the door.
Paul Ryan kept money from pedo Hastert.
ABC: Comey compares Trump to mob boss
A source present at the taping says James Comey's interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos,
airing Sunday at 10 p.m. as a "20/20" special, is "going to shock the president and his team."