Anonymous ID: eeb7a0 April 11, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.996551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577 >>6580 >>6717

A friend sent this to me

"Wait, you could read this in a different way, it's a stretch but hear me out

"Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!"


That includes Israeli missles

Get Ready Russia, because they will be coming (is this him warning Russia of an Israeli attack on Syria)?!

and "smart". USA supplied missles to Israel remember, what if those "smart" missles are not so "smart" when US technicians disable them remotely

> Cruise missiles use GPS as one of their guidance systems. US military can shift the grid very easily.

"Gas Killing Animal" = Jews? Biggest stretch of them all so far, but I bet it means something

>we know the Jews have played with gas

Who kills "His people", who's people? Assads? Trumps? Putins (were Russians killed in the attack)?!

So what if he is saying: "Heads up Russia, Israel is about to attack Syria again, and they are going to use the new missles we sold them, only they won't be as operational as they think. We don't want to support Israel when they are killing Russian troops so eagerly"

Also, it was only in the news yesterday that Israel had been attacking Palestians with unknown gases

maybe Israel is even behind the Syria gas attack, they have been suspected of being involved in the previous false flags"


Lastly, milfag here speaking to any concernfags. Relax, there won't be a WW3 over this incident.

With all the talk of nuclear strikes and stuff, cocked pistol and RT and stuff, it's easy to see you getting excited.

Keep in mind, Russia won't respond (even) if Trump bombed a couple of Syrian bases with nuclear force immediately. That shit is like, last option.

There's already a fleet in the med sea. Why would he send more boats with missiles if he was going to strike? SINCE WHEN HAS HE BROADCASTED HIS STRATS. They all know Syria likely didn't gas their people again. Shit, some people I spoke to weren't tracking the situation closely and figured it didn't make sense.

Trust your President. We know he's smart, the MSM keeps trying to convince everyone that he's not (and this has probably helped him. Easy to shift attention). Classic 4D chess.

Anonymous ID: eeb7a0 April 11, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.996765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6823


TBH I don't exactly know what it is about the idea that is getting attacked. Seems that rebuttals are in short supply around here.

Some of it might have been a bit of a stretch. The point I'm trying to make is that if the autists here can figure out that the gas attack was likely a false flag, I'm pretty sure military intelligence would have a clue, too.

I don't think he was sending a message to Russia… He has used tweets that are inflammatory like this to misdirect the public as to what he's actually doing in the past, though.


My whole point is that there won't be anything much come out of this regarding military response from America.

Anonymous ID: eeb7a0 April 11, 2018, 6:46 a.m. No.996835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sure, he earns a paycheck from his office. Does that mean he holds any loyalty to said office?

Does that mean he won't look for other ways to better himself?


You'll learn in time where his money comes from. Most of it, out of country

Anonymous ID: eeb7a0 April 11, 2018, 6:52 a.m. No.996886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In an ideal world, sure. But then today begat a great example, where a feminist came out defending backpage AFTER it was revealed they knew it was used in kiddie fiddling shit…


The stuff that is happening on this board, this is the factory that produces the red pills. It's gaining recognition now, a few people are starting to look and they'll start to talk. It's as Q said. That, and there is a LOT of data to go through, interviews to be made, etc. You might know a person is guilty, unfortunately they are all allowed the same freedom that you could expect. Due process.


If you look at the resignations and the increasinly more significant arrests, yes. We are winning. It's a huge campaign, though. You think you're gonna focus on the main quest and suddenly a traveller sends you down a hole to kill some bandits. Like Skyrim! There's so much to go through and only so much manpower.