Anonymous ID: 3467ac July 14, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.9963797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3816 >>3978

Anons, you are much smarter than I for the most part. I had an interesting conversation with an anti-Trumper on Xbox recently. (It says MAGA in my profile, after a game he immediately slammed me saying "Oh god Trump retards have found their way onto an Xbox. I tried talking some sense into him but came to the conclusion he was a brainwashed mainstream libtard. He did mention some interesting points though that I am hoping someone here can clarify for me as I haven't had much time to look into it myself (I plan to anyway), but I do not recall much talk about it here outside of a few notables I saw some time ago (it's not a recent topic).


That being said, can someone give me or send me to a crash course in Trump's decision to withdraw from the treaty agreement with Russia regarding nukes (I think it is called the INF treaty)? And has he done the same with China?


I basically told this guy on Xbox that Trump was a much better choice because Hillary was going to get us into WWIII, and he fired back about the nuclear agreements and conflict with China, saying we are headed that way anyway. He also bashed Trump calling him a con artist due to all his bankruptcies and he says one thing but does something else, which lead me to the conclusion he's a brainwashed MSM idiot. Anyhow, I appreciate whoever takes the time to give me an answer. Thanks.