Anonymous ID: d15085 July 14, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.9966232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6235 >>6396

Anti-maskers put shops, businesses on edge

This is an NLP nightmare!


Might be a repost of WaPo… it's odd.

Anyway, here's some of the choice lines:

-Starts like this: "Lily Damtew had resolved to permanently shutter her Ethiopian coffee shop after a maskless man spat at her feet and hurled chicken and rice at her window when she asked him to cover his face. How could she brew coffee and cut quiche, she thought, in fear that he would return with a vengeance?"


-"Damtew's experience, part of the coronavirus culture war over face coverings, reflects a growing problem for retail and service workers across the country who are yelled at and sometimes assaulted after asking patrons to wear masks. They have become the primary enforcers for social distancing guidelines inside restaurants and shops, often drawing the ire of people who think mask requirements infringe on their rights."

Enforcers, you say…


-"In the Washington region, retail workers are similarly confronting aggressive anti-maskers."

Like anti-vaxxers.


-"Local business owners say the majority of patrons gladly adhere to public health guidelines, but the minority who refuse are leaving retail and service workers frustrated and scared as coronavirus cases show signs of rebounding in the region."

Majority vs Minority. Poor people are just trying to work! Reeeeebound in the region!!! AAAAAAAH!!!!


-"They tell me it is not a federal law to wear masks. I have learned to say back that it is a restaurant law," she said, leaning against a table full of hand sanitizer and cleaning spray. "It is hard to describe how I feel when I see them without masks. It's rage."



-"Leah Frelinghuysen, a spokeswoman for Ted's Bulletin, said employees "received extensive training prior to our reopening on both keeping themselves safe and also in working safely with patrons." They learned to cite guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Restaurant Association - which call for patrons to wear masks when entering and traveling through establishments - as a de-escalation strategy."

I feel like a camp to concentrate these re-education efforts would be more efficient…


-"We don't want to be in the business of criminally charging someone for not wearing a mask," said Lt. Courtney Ballantine of the Alexandria police. "We would encourage them to play by the rules."

Some straight mafia shit right there…


-"Polon said the only way she feels comfortable asking her employees to come to work is if she commits to testing them for the coronavirus at frequent intervals. Every Tuesday morning for the past six weeks, Polon has paid upward of $700 for a doctor to come into her shop and test her employees."

$700 to do fucking WHAT?!


-"Damtew's 13-year-old son wanted her to keep her restaurant closed after he overheard his mom on a phone call explaining that she had been assaulted while alone at work. But if she had kept her restaurant closed for much longer, Damtew told her son, she might not have been able to afford to open it again."

Muh feels! They have this kinda bullshit throughout the article. I skipped that for you.