A distinction without a difference.
> complains that "jewbait" posts take up half the dough.
> Over 5% of the posts in this thread (and the last one) are his - most of them pro-israel bullshit.
KYS Sayanim
Unbelievable. You realize you're on a chan board, yes?
The chans have been woke on the JQ for years now.
If there is an out-of-place person pushing a foreign narrative (i.e. shill) here, it's you.
"The Jew cries shill as he shills you"
>pic implies that everyone who criticizes jews is a Nazi
>typical Talmudic rhetoric: the straw man
>does not address my point that him pushing an out-of-place narrative on a chan board (in this case, pro-Israel) makes him the shill.
The hits just keep on coming.
>mods do their jobs and delete obvious JIDF shilling
>the jew cries "Censorship"
>our propaganda campaign doesn't work here, so we'll accuse them of organizing aโฆ wellโฆ propaganda campaign.
Yes. More please!