>You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
This sentence isn't aimed @RUS.
It would say allied. If he meant RUS / SAA alliance.
He never says Assad. "No name" is mentioned. Who else do we know with 'no name'? (WDSHN)
He is talking to 'them'. They are "no names" partners.
>Tweet Breakdown
Gas Killing Animal (WDSHN) who kills his (Assad) people (Syrians) and enjoys it! (He's a Neo-Con/Warmonger)
Focus on the key phrase.
"who kill his people and enjoys it!"
WDSHN kills his (Assads) people and enjoys it.
>Tweet Translation
You will regret working with WDSHN.
WDSHN kill Assads civilians and enjoys it!