Anonymous ID: 45bbb7 July 15, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.9971322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409 >>1459

Hey, how about some fear porn, from Jim Stone. Seems unlikely to me, but what do I know. I wonder what the organization is. Mormons? NRA?


If you don't like naked IP:


Insider info: Pandemic mayhem in October


I just finished talking to a high ranking member of a major conservative organization that has already locked down millions of people in quarantine due to the organization having knowledge of a new virus that will be released within a time frame that slates October as a month of major mayhem. This organization has many elite within it's ranks yet is conservative.


They have already provided comfortable quarantine to millions of people. Some of their people are still out and about in public, but they have protected their most valuable people with forced quarantine because they don't know when the new virus will be released and there will be two groups, those that are already quarantined and those that are not quarantined but provide support. It is a very interesting arrangement, they are obviously taking this seriously.


Many readers of this site have probably seen the recent video clip of Bill Gates stating "This virus did not get taken seriously, but the next one will". It came off as a threat. I believe that was a real threat, and now that this organization has taken this action, it really appears we indeed have something to worry about. It was the conservatives that first saw through the B.S. and if this organization is not subverted it has to mean that the elite within it's ranks got real insider info and there really is something new on the way to worry about. I'd say there is a 30 percent chance of subversion and a 70 percent chance this is all legit.


Anyone with a lick of sense knows the doctors are murdering people and false registering deaths, as well as faking test results to get the stats up to actionable levels, but too many people are aware of this now and it is highly probable that the elite have therefore decided to do it for real this time. So it only makes sense to:


  1. If you own a business, be prepared to shut it down, now is not the time to expand and put it at risk with additional debt. If it is going under already, don't wipe yourself out trying to keep it afloat.


  1. If you consumed your Corona supplies and can build them back up, you had better get that done SOON because the clock is ticking, this time we have a solid warning.


There is obviously a chance this is all a hoax and nothing real ever will be released, but Bill Gates actually did threaten this and this particular organization would be the last one I'd ever expect to fall for a hoax. Subversion is possible, but not likely.


One final note: I actually went to one of the locations this organization was supposed to be using for quarantine, and YEP, they are there, and quarantined. It looks like they are being stupid for now. This is supposed to be happening in every country, with this organization. Better than in a house at least. There's no question this is legit, my only question is whether or not subversion caused it. And I believe that is unlikely. I would not have posted about this if I did not know for sure such actions were taken. It is spooky, because it is such a freaking huge organization, this is not "heaven's gate".



Anonymous ID: 45bbb7 July 15, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.9971624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661


I always wondered about this:


LA-Tokyo flight turns back after passenger 'boards with wrong ticket'

27 December 2017


A Tokyo-bound flight carrying the model Chrissy Teigen and her musician husband John Legend turned back to LA after someone reportedly boarded in error.

According to Ms Teigen, the passenger boarded at LAX airport with a ticket for a different airline, although this was not confirmed by authorities.

The plane turned back four hours into the flight, over the Pacific Ocean.

The airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), said only that there had been a problem with a customer's "flight arrangement".


Etc. etc.

Anonymous ID: 45bbb7 July 15, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.9971811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1823


So I went to the link and read the story, and at the bottom was a link to this story:


Updating Your MMR Vaccine Might Help Fight COVID. Here's How.


MMR vaccine didn't even exist when I was young. Instead, I actually had M, M, and R. (Measles, mumps, rubella) Does that mean I'm immune to COVID?