Hollywood loves enforced mask wearing. The two names underlined are among the handlers within Hollywood entertainment circles. CM is the co-writer of the film series, a Dog's Purpose, and A Dog's Journey, both affiliated with Dreamworks. The last film was financed by China, who expressed their thanks to the film makers by including their films on the list of films shown at theaters across China following their brief nationwide Covid-19 shut-down in early 2020. The money earned for CM and her co-writer husband as part of the film's budget was enough to enable the couple to purchase a new home. In other words, the house she lives in was bought with CCP money. Oh, and she also loves transsexuals mingling with children.
CAL is the sister of Casey Wasserman. Both are the grandchildren of Hollywood mogul Lew Wasserman, who had a close affiliation with Ronald Reagan. Both siblings are HUGE Hollywood Dem liberals. Absolutely invested in everything DNC, Clintons, Obama. Casey and Bill Clinton are close friends. Yes, Casey is listed among the passengers aboard Epstein's Lolita Express.
Mil intel, add them to the watch list if they aren't already.