Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.9972058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2249 >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

oe Biden, Elon Musk, Apple, Uber, and others hacked in unprecedented Twitter attack


The scams appear to be part of a widespread hacking operation affecting multiple accounts


The Twitter accounts of major companies and individuals have been compromised in one of the most widespread and confounding hacks the platform has ever seen, all in service of promoting a bitcoin scam that appears to be earning its creator quite a bit of money. We don’t know how it’s happened or even to what extent Twitter’s own systems may have been compromised. The hack is ongoing, with new tweets posting to verified accounts on a regular basis starting shortly after 4PM ET.


It all began when Elon Musk’s Twitter account was seemingly compromised by a hacker intent on using it to run a bitcoin scam. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates also had his account seemingly accessed by the same scammer, who posted a similar message with an identical bitcoin wallet address. Both accounts are continuing to post new tweets promoting the scam almost as fast as they are deleted.


Shortly after the initial wave of tweets, the accounts of Apple, Uber, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, hip-hop mogul Kanye West, and former New York City mayor and billionaire Mike Bloomberg, among others, have also been compromised and are promoting the scam.


It’s unclear how widespread the operation is, but it appears to be affecting major companies and extremely high-profile individuals, suggesting that someone has either found a severe security loophole in Twitter’s login process or has gained access to a Twitter employee’s admin privileges.


In addition to the Cash App, popular crypto Twitter accounts, including those of Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss’ Gemini cryptocurrency exchange and widely used wallet app Coinbase, were also compromised. Cameron Winklevoss claims the Gemini account was protected by two-factor authentication and used a strong password, and the company is now investigating how it was hit.




2FA / strong password was used for @Gemini account. We are investigating and hope to have more information shortly.

— Cameron Winklevoss (@winklevoss) July 15, 2020


Some people are falling for the scam and sending money to the associated BTC addresses, as records of the transactions are public due to the nature of the blockchain-based cryptocurrency. So far, the scammer appears to have earned nearly $110,000, although it seems as if the account owner is indeed sending money back out as the daily final balance appears to be fluctuating up and down.


It's an actual wallet address and there are transactions happening. It's unclear if these transactions are legit. Scammers often seed their own scams to give them the appearance of authenticity.

— Ryan Mac (@RMac18) July 15, 2020


Musk has long been the target of bitcoin scammers on Twitter, many of whom create fake accounts designed to look like the entrepreneur and respond to his tweets promoting the scams so that they appear legitimate. Twitter even went so far as to start locking some accounts that change their name to “Elon Musk,” and the company singled out cryptocurrency scammers in spring 2018 as a source of known manipulation and deception that it was aiming to root out through bans and other moderation strategies.


Neither Tesla nor Twitter immediately responded to requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.9972149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203 >>2214 >>2249 >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

Is the Federal Reserve Sowing Seeds of Marxism?


Wealth inequality has become a major talking point for those primarily on the Left who are vehemently against capitalism. Often espoused by leftist professors, lawmakers, and think tanks, the increasing disparity in wealth among Americans has been a growing concern. Many have questioned for years whether the Federal Reserve and their fiat currency monetary system is a fundamental fraud in our economy today. Is the Federal Reserve causing wealth inequality, thereby sowing the seeds of Marxism?


Wealth inequality is an issue that both political sides should be willing to tackle because it can cause terrible consequences for a cohesive society. One can easily go off on the issues of personal responsibility and envy politics, but the reality is society must deal with the issue regardless of the morality of the issues – see “Trapped on a Deserted Island with 200 Hungry Savages.” While the Left is correct in their concerns, they are ignoring a major cause of the rampant, growing inequality in America – currency debasement and instead blame capitalism. Let’s take a simple example that demonstrates Fiat Currency Debasement and how it can create wealth inequality mathematically.


In our hypothetical example, let’s take a simple real estate rental property asset (there are more sophisticated financial products on the markets that can do the same) vs. a Common person who merely places their money in a bank. Our starting financial position (rounded numbers for ease of explanation):


Smart investor:


We purchase the property for $100,000.

We place a 10% down payment of $10,000.

At a 3% mortgage rate with taxes and insurance, we must pay $500 per month.

We rent the property for $525 per month for the year.


The Common person:


Places $10,000 in the bank, and we will give them a full 3% annual return on their money.


Results: Our smart investor’s net wealth position after a year is $10,300. The Common person is the same.


Now let’s advance the clock one year (normally this period would be longer to not make the scam so obvious) and assume a 50% currency debasement (or 100% price inflation). Here is what the financial position looks like now:


Smart investor:


Property value is $200,000 – less the original mortgage; the net is $110,000.

We now rent the property for $1050 – this yields a net (assuming no increases in tax and insurance) of 6,600 for the year.


The Common person:


Earns a 3% annual compounded interest return on their money – the investor still has the original $10,000.


Results after the two years: Our Smart investor’s net wealth position is $116,600. The Common person now has $10,609. Then we have to adjust downward (50%) for the net inflation-adjusted amounts of: for the Smart investor $58,300 and for the Common person $5,345.



Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.9972180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2249 >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

Trump Ends 'Special Treatment' of Hong Kong and Announces Other Sanctions


Donald Trump announced an end to the “special treatment” given to Hong Kong by the United States, as a consequence of Chinese efforts to interfere in the island’s autonomy.


The president also announced he had signed legislation slapping sanctions on China because of their treatment of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.


For its part, China is warning that there will be a price to pay if sanctions are imposed on its companies and officials.




China’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday Beijing will impose retaliatory sanctions against U.S. individuals and entities in response to the law targeting banks, though the statement released through state media did not reference the executive order.


“Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and no foreign country has the right to interfere,” the ministry said.


Hong Kong’s special trading status has poured money into Beijing’s coffers and ending that special relationship will cost China dearly.


“Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China,” Trump said during a lengthy speech in the White House Rose Garden that quickly drifted away from that legislation to touch on a variety of campaign issues.


“No special privileges, no special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies. In addition to that, as you know, we are placing massive tariffs and have placed very large tariffs on China.”


The sanctions bill Trump signed bites into the Chinese financial industry.




The new law, which the Senate passed just before heading out of town for the Fourth of July recess, directs the Treasury Department to identify individuals and financial firms that enable the Chinese government to carry out the new security law. Under the bill, those entities would be subject to sanctions, including visa limitations on senior executives and restrictions on dollar transactions.


Of course, China will shrug off the sanctions without much trouble. But ending the special trade status of Hong Kong will hurt Beijing while calling attention to its gross violation of the treaty it signed with Great Britain in 1997 that guaranteed Hong Kong’s autonomy and right to have a separate legal system.


The new security law imposed by China on the island clearly wipes out Hong Kong’s separate legal system. Now, Hong Kong activists can be arrested and sent to China to stand trial. And almost anything related to the people’s freedoms is deemed a matter of “national security” and subject to the restrictions in the new law. Books, newspapers, demonstrations, the right to assemble — these will all be controlled eventually by China.


China has been taking advantage of the pandemic to flex its muscles. It has carved out a large section of the South China Sea and declared it sovereign territory. It has bullied its neighbors who dare stand against it. And it’s trying to push the U.S. out of all of east Asia.


It’s assertiveness and aggressiveness is worrying because of its increasing bellicosity toward Taiwan. It’s move against Hong Kong is only the beginning. The real drama will begin when they begin to threaten Taiwan directly.

Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.9972224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

Seven more Victorian aged care homes infected


Australia about to say all old people die of the Rona, panic fear FFS boring

Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.9972411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2445 >>2676

Candace Owens slams Charlamagne tha God’s claim that ‘Jews have the power’ after his friend Nick Cannon's firing


Conservative pundit Candace Owens has called out radio host Charlamagne tha God after the DJ defended his friend (and fellow media personality) Nick Cannon’s anti-white and anti-Semitic comments, which triggered Cannon's firing.


Owens took issue with Charlamagne pointing out that Cannon being fired by a Jewish-run media conglomerate for making unflattering comments about Jews meant that “Jews do, in fact, have the power,” hitting back on Wednesday against what she saw as a double-standard.


“ONE black man gets fired and now it’s ‘the Jews have power?’” Owens tweeted in disbelief, even while insisting she “respect[ed]” the Breakfast Club co-host.


“Did the hundreds of white people who have been fired over these past few months for disagreeing with the radical goals of Black Lives Matter prove that we have the power?” Owens asked, highlighting “thousands of blacks promoted to comply with BLM.”


Charlamagne had backed Cannon’s criticism of white people, whom his friend had called “savages” and likened to “animals” in the offending podcast – an interview with Public Enemy’s Professor Griff filmed the previous year. The Breakfast Club DJ even added to Cannon’s anti-white remarks during his show on Wednesday, explaining white people have a “history of mass racial violence in this country.”


Cannon should have discussed his thoughts about Jews with a “Jewish scholar” or “someone from that community,” Charlamagne stated, so that he could have any anti-Semitic statements “corrected.”


No Israel doesn't have all the power kek The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.9972450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

“Italy Is With Us!” – George Papadopoulos Breaking News — Italian University Linked to Joseph Mifsud Is Raided


In February of 2019 we reported that we are finding out additional information on how the Trump team was set up by US and foreign agents.


We shared candidate Trump’s unpaid volunteer George Papadopoulos was indicted by the Mueller team for lying. We still don’t know what he lied about, but we are finding out about the FBI’s involvement in setting him up.


Papadopoulos was in an interview with former Secret Agent and author Dan Bongino when he shared this –


Bongino: I want to get right to it. I have a list of questions for you. I guess the easiest question to ask is why did you meet with Mifsud?


Papadopoulos: Professor Mifsud is a Maltese professor. Just so everybody understands – he’s not a Russian.


I was working at this organization in London – the London Center for International Law Practice (LCILP) – that unbeknownst to me at the time was apparently some sort of front group for ex-western diplomats and ex-western intelligence types of personalities.


As well, the legal counsel for the FBI in the UK, Arvinder Sambei, just happens to also be a director at this organization I used to work for. I tell this organization ‘Look, I’m joining the Trump Campaign, I’m leaving. I’m going back to the U.S. I’m leaving London’.


But they all of a sudden tell me, ‘before you leave, you really need to come to Rome with us. We want to introduce you to some people there.’ So, I say, ‘that’s fine. I’ll go to Rome. It’s a three-day holiday before I get back to Washington.


They introduce me to Joseph Mifsud at this university in Rome called Link Campus. This isn’t any normal university in Rome. At the time I had no idea what this place was. But apparently, it’s a training ground for western intelligence operatives in Rome. The CIA has held symposiums there. David Ignatius from the Washington Post has actually written extensively about this place. They have connections to the FBI and other groups.


I also saw many Italian diplomats there. The ex-foreign minister of Italy was the director of this university, so things started to pop in my mind that this isn’t just a random event – a random meeting.


They tell me it’s very important for you to meet Josef Mifsud. I had no idea who this person was. He came up to me, presented himself as this mid-fifties, former diplomat, who knew the world.


Today George Papadopoulos and his wife Simona tweeted about Link University:


Looks like Italy is finally getting serious about the Trump-Russia collusion scandal that has its origins in Italy and specifically Link University.

Anonymous ID: 07f164 July 15, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.9972504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2543 >>2580 >>2608 >>2618

Gov. Cuomo Is Deploying ‘Enforcement Teams’ — Including Police Officers — At Airports


Gov. Andrew Cuomo is deploying “enforcement teams” that include police officers to airports to keep track of visitors to New York as officials enforce the Democrat’s out-of-state travel advisory, which mandates that all travelers from coronavirus hot-spot states must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.


On Monday, the governor issued an executive order that requires travelers from designated states — at least 22 at last count — to fill out a “contact information form” established by the N.Y. Department of Health. The mandate applies to all visitors traveling by plane, train or car and require contacts phone numbers and addresses for where the visitors will be staying.


The enforcement teams will “meet arriving aircrafts at gates and greet disembarking passengers to request proof of completion” of the form, according to the state’s website. Among the team members will be peace officers as well as Port Authority and State Police officers.


Travelers who leave the airport without completing the form can be fined $2,000 fine — and could even be ordered to complete a mandatory quarantine. If anyone violates the quarantine order, they face a fine of up to $10,000.


“New York’s success in fighting the COVID-19 virus is under two threats: lack of compliance and the virus coming to New York from other states with increasing infection rates,” Cuomo said in a statement.


“The State Department of Health is going to issue an emergency health order today mandating that out-of-state travelers complete the DOH traveler form before leaving the airport, and we are launching an enforcement operation at airports across the state to help ensure travelers coming into New York are following this order,” he said.


According to the governor’s order, the 22 states have “a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents over a 7-day rolling average.”


State Republicans pushed back on the plan.


“This overreach of power violates the civil liberties of New Yorkers and citizens across this country, who do not need the government to threaten fines and quarantines in order to travel responsibly,” Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt said. “This is putting an unwelcome mat at New York’s door.”