Anonymous ID: 295cee July 15, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.9973400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9969650 You have to SHOW THE PEOPLE that the large corporate monopolies are EVIL and part of the Cabal.


Well this isn't going to be popular, even here, but trying to show people what was right in front of their naked eyeballs (~15 years ago) couldn't touch what mass monopolization/advertising/media had already done:

Cancel out EVERY common-sense/fact that us older people learned in grade school, and is obvious via the naked eye.

We grew up associating dog with bone, and c*t with mouse. The latter is synonymous with barfing up its (UNDIGESTED, of course) "food". It's NOT "normal" for ANYTHING to vomit so frequently, yet people who own them believe it is.

Dogs' "food" will come back up undigested as well, but not as frequently, as they will, naturally, drink water.

(INFO is available in old books on the BASICS regarding both species; Just common-sense anatomy & biological facts, which have now mostly been SCRUBBED.)

For their entire lifespans, both species (and ferrets too) are expected to grind a rock-hard mystery substance with teeth meant for shearing MEAT and eating already-digested grains in stomachs of prey. Don't believe it? Just LOOK in your own's mouth, or at pictures. The crooks will say, but they're domesticated and have "evolved"! Bullshit because they look like the same exact teeth & jaws as wolves; Cougars, lions & tigers have had for centuries.

Yes, their jaws can only move up and down, not sideways like humans (or cows) which are able to grind. Ever try chewing a crispy snack while keeping your bottom jaw from moving sideways? Try it just once, and THEN take a peek inside the mouth of your 4-legged buddy.


Those mass pet "food" recalls of 2006-8 prompted some folks on Internet message forums to start reading INGREDIENT labels and avoid "pet food with ingredients from China", however since then:

MARS (junk food) has bought even MORE McVeterinary chains – the same chains which ate up all small, independent practices.

AND those "healthy" food brands which popped up during and just after those mass recalls of the mid '00s; Since bought out by MARS, Nestle… JUNK FOOD.

Won't even get into what is known about exactly what WASTE (primarily) makes up these "foods" - ESPECIALLY the "prescription" $$$$ crap, but there are probably documentaries which haven't been scrubbed still available.

Consumer Fraud, Animal Abuse… take your pick after (FIRST) looking into the facts and proof - which are RIGHT in your animals' mouths – and ingredient labels.

Have found that dog people and people who own & like both species are more receptive to at least listening, even if they don't want to give up the convenience or "confront' their vet with common-sense & facts.

The other people, for whom their c^ts replace people and everything else, well there are stereotypes for good reason. Shame because those critters are even more screwed than dogs are (lack of thirst drive…)